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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0728 艱困中走出來

社評0728  艱困中走出來


剛剛參加了狄森博士就任赫里斯群體育及會議NRG 體育中心主席之就職典禮 包括市長在內的市府政要及宗教界領袖數百人出席 全塲在令人溫馨和笑聲中訴說少數族裔如何在社會中力爭上游之往事

世界知名的休斯敦沃斯丁牧師在就職典禮中為全體人員祈禱 他呼籲我們社會必須和平相處 互愛互助建立一個和諧的社會

市長特納在會上回憶和狄森博士之童年往事 兩人相知相識數十年 他讃譽狄森主席是位非常傑出之牧師 社會慈善家及社會活動家 今後他將領導大休斯敦區之各項體育活動 包括二O二六年的世界杯足球賽

國會議員格林 希拉積克遜李郡長 市議員皆紛紛上台表示祝賀

狄森博士在台上講述了當年非洲裔如何在艱難之環境中打拼之経歷 在休斯敦黑人區當年因種族隔離政策 許多年輕人失去了升學和就業機會 他們多半都參加過各項民權運動一直到民權法案和隔離政策之結束 是段令人傷感和壯闊之奮鬥歷程 狄森博士回憶童年時 要看一場球賽得讓父母親省吃俭 才能購買一張球場票 如今他成了NRG 體育中心的主席 這段歷程怎不會令人感動呢

Congratulations To Dr. James W.E. Dixon

We just attended the congratulation party for Dr. James Dixon as Chairman of the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation and NRG Park. Two hundred guests including city and county government officials and religion leaders attended.

The world-reknown Houston Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen prayed for all the people. He called for our society to live in peace love and help each other to build a harmonious society.

Mayor Turner recalled their childhood remembering that he and Dr. Dixon have known each for other many decades. The mayor said that Dr. Dixon is not just an outstanding pastor, social philanthropist and social activists, he will also lead our community to the next step including the World Cup in 2026.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and other state-elected officials all came to congratulate Chairman Dr. Dixon. Mayor Turner also announced July 16, 2022, as Dr. Dixon Day.

Dr. Dixon in his speech tried to remember the hard days in his early life whenmany black people didn’t have the opportunity to get an education. Due to the racial policy most of them joined the civil rights movement until the civil rights bill was signed 

He recalled in his childhood that his parents were too poor to buy a ticket for him to go to ball games. But today, he has become the chairman of the NRG Center. How life has changed for him is such a touching story.