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社評 0810 川普莊園被抄家

社評 0810  川普莊園被抄家



一群美國聯邦調查局幹員週一進前總統川普位於佛羅里達州之莊園進行搜索 包括他的保險葙在內 這是美國總統住宅第一次被調查局進行非常嚴密之盤查 更是歷史上的第一次

據報導稱 此次搜尋行動是要調查在川普任內他是否把機密公文帶回家了

搜索前總統住宅是件驚天動地的司法案件 它必然是需要司法高層之批准 而且是史無前例之事

據說川普會在九月宣布他將再度參加二O二四年總統大選 這可是件令許多共和民主黨要问鼎白宮人士共同擔憂之大事 加上元月六日攻擊國會大廈事件之調查 可以把川普從總統大選之舞台上擠下去 這也是政治紛爭上的高棋


美國眾議院議長佩洛西今晨在NBC 電視訪問中再度表示 她到台灣訪問是得到國會兩黨之支持 並繼續堅持她對台灣民主之支持

但是在她離開之後 確導中國大陸連日來對台灣之軍事演習 封鎖了台灣內外之航運交通 並對台灣實施一連串之経濟制裁

我們要呼籲兩岸應該立即溝通 民進黨六年多來之抗中政策 雖然取得了政權 但是極可能引起三次世界大戰 把美國及其他國家都拖下水真是世界之不幸

FBI Search At Mar-a-Lago

The FBI search of former President Trump’s Florida resort is an historic event. The FBI agents focused on Trump’s office and personal quarters at his Mar-a-Lago residence.

Agents are looking for possible mishandling of presidential documents. Some of them may be classified and may have been taken to his home.

This search also comes at the time Trump is actively considering launching a run for the 2024 presidential race. Trump was quick to put a political spin on the FBI search and said that, “This beautiful home was under siege, raided and occupied.” He said such an assault could only take place in a third-world country.

Since Trump first showed an interest in being a 2024 presidential candidate, both Democrats and Republicans have worried about his ambition. The investigation of his wrongdoing will push him off of the stage.

The Difficult Knot Of Cross-Strait issues

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once again said in an NBC TV interview this morning that her visit to Taiwan was supported by both parties in the Congress who join her in her support for Taiwan’s democracy.

But after she left Taiwan, it did lead to mainland China’s military exercises against Taiwan over the past several days. Even until now, this has included the blocking of air and sea traffic and the imposing of a series of economic sanctions on Taiwan.

In the meantime, we would like to call on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to communicate immediately, although over the last six years the ruling party’s anti-china policy has let them gain political power. We really don’t want to see the dispute lead to war and possibly drag the United States and other countries as well into a conflict. What a misfortune for the world that could be.