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社評 0811 夏立言訪中國大陸

社評 0811 夏立言訪中國大陸



正當海峽兩岸情勢嚴峻之時 國民黨副主夏立言今天率團訪問中國大陸 其主要目的在於走訪在大陸経商就學的台灣同胞

就此時此刻而言 夏立言副主席能在兩岸關係充滿變數和危機時刻執行一次和平之旅

老實說 近年來執政黨已經全面關閉了和對岸對話和交流管道 在野的國民黨由于選票之壓力 已經放棄了九二共識之政治主張 兩岸人民之關係越走越遠

我們奉勸中美台的政治人物 你們必須應用政治智慧 共同探討和解決民間疾苦 戰爭決不是最佳選擇 請看看烏克蘭之現況 應引以為戒



川普在離開紐約川普大樓時表示 我自己及集團公司正遭受到各方面之攻擊 在此同時 他的海湖莊園也被聯邦調查局搜索 這也是美國歷史上對前總統實施此種行動之第一次

我們眼看美國政壇上民主和共和兩黨之攻防戰火已經開始 川普下台之後 支持他重披戰袍的人大有人在 他也執意要在下月正式宣布二O二四年參選 這對許多有意問鼎大位的政客們也非常希望川普遭到起訴 斷了他的總統夢 這一切说明了政爭是一塲無聲的戰爭

Andrew Hsia Visits China

At a time when the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are strained, Andrew Hsia, the Vice Chair of the KMT party led a delegation to visit Mainland China today. Its main purpose was to meet with Taiwanese business people who live in Mainland China.

At this sensitive time, Hsia probably can carry out a peaceful journey even when cross-strait relations are full of variables and crises.

To be honest, over the last six years, the ruling party of Taiwan has completely closed the door and avoided any dialogue with China. The opposition party KMT has give up the political proposition of the 1992 consensus due to the pressure of votes.

We all hope the politicians on both sides will apply their political wisdom to come up with a workable solution. War by no means is the best choice. We should take a lesson from the war in Ukraine.

Trump Declined To Answer Questions From The NY Attorney General

Former President Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment right and declined to answer questions from the New York attorney general.

Trump said in a statement that, “Under the advice of my consul, and for all the above reasons, I decline to answer the questions under the rights and privileges to every citizen under the Constitution of the United States.”

Trump was deposed by the Attorney General’s office as part a of more than three-year civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization misled lenders, insurers and tax authorities by providing them with misleading financial statements.

We see that the offensive and defensive war between the Democrat and Republican parties in the American political arena has begun. Trump is planning to make his 2024 presidential election announcement next month. Many people who are interested in the election would like to see Trump   prosecuted and cut off his dream of becoming president again.

There is a silent war in American politics today.