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社評0812 房貸利率再創新高

社評0812   房貸利率再創新高



截至昨天為止 全美房貸率增至百分之五以上 致使全國房地產價開始平穩

三十年期貸款本週四平均是百分之五點二二 相較去年此時是百分之二點八七

由于利率上升加上新房數量不夠 導至房價比几個月前平穩了許多 但對一般購房者仍然因利息倍增而卻步 其中也包括通貨膨脹及物價上漲導致買者負擔加重

七月份在市場上的房價比以前减少了百分之十九 這個價格已經到達二O一七年之水平 對購屋者而言 是個好消息

許多華亞裔家庭視住宅投資是首要大事几乎九成家庭都擁有自己之住宅 我們奉勸新購房者 可以再觀望一下 希望通貨得到控制 利率會下降一些 否則再等到房價冷卻後 再進㘯比較划算


美國聯邦檢察長格蘭週四指出 搜索前總統川普之行動是他親自批示的 這次行動旨在追查川普在卸任後帶走了許多政府之文件

格蘭不願多談正在偵辦中仍搜索行動 共和黨人士對此表示大為不滿 希望對此搜索行動提出說明 一名曾參加元月六日攻佔国會大廈之暴徒今天上午曾経對位於俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的聯邦調查局辦公處進行襲擊

檢察總長極力為聯邦調查局人員之行動進行辯護 認為他們是保護非常盡責和愛國公務員

前總統之住宅被搜索是件非常驚人之法律行動 川普認定是件政治追殺 而法界說是主持公平正義 如今我們正等待文件之真相大白了

The Mortgage Rate Has Climbed Back Again

The national mortgage rate has climbed back to above 5% again this week, but the housing market is starting to stabilize.

The 30-year fixed treasury this week average is 5.22%. This is significantly higher than this time last year when it was 2.87%.

Although the rate continues to fluctuate, recent data suggests that the housing market is stabilizing. According to the latest July figures, the inflation rate has started to slow down, but still remains high.

The supply of housing remains fairly tight across most of the market. The price will continue to rise, but at a slower pace, for the rest of the summer. But some of the home price reductions reached 19% in July, closing in on level not seen since 2017. This is a welcome sign for those in the market who want to buy a house.

Many Asian families are saying their first priority is buying a house. According to a survey, more than 85% own their home today. We really suggest that they should wait for a while until the interest rate goes down and the inflation rate could be improved.

Attorney General Approved The Raid On Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

Attorney General Herrick Garland spoke about the FBI agents who raided former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

Garland said that the government has filed a motion to unseal the warrant authorizing Monday’s search which Trump has sharply criticized as a partisan attack.

Garland said that he personally approved the unprecedented decision to seek such a warrant against the former president.

Republicans want transparency about the raiding on the former president’s property, as Trump’s supporters have cast the investigation as a partisan sham.

Garland said, “The men and women of the FBI are dedicated patriotic public servants. They protect the American people from violent crime, terrorism and other threats to their safety while safeguarding our civil rights.”

We all are waiting for the results of this raid and hope there will be more truth that will come out soon.