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社評0816 我和郡長的對話

社評0816 我和郡長的對話


赫里斯郡郡長柯郭今午來訪 我和他親自上陣在電視訪談 並對他的來訪表示誠摯之歡迎

我首先帶領他參觀了美南新聞之時光隧道 回憶數十年來我們對社區所作的各種大小活動 同時見證了數十來國際社區對休斯敦之貢獻

我們在電視中談到大家共同關心的兩件大事 其中包括治安和経済繁榮 他非常肯定的保証 將會在他的預算中撥款來增加警力 並廣設治安報警系統 為西南及國際區解決最迫切之問題 柯郭郡長也關心此地區小商業面對之一些問題 他有專人來為大家服務 他同時宣稱在九月十日將為一座佛塔舉行破土動工典禮 為此地區增加文化活動

我對他的到訪和談話 深深感動和感激 他也是我在國際區擔任區長多年來接觸過最親切的地方官

我們大家一同期待 手牽手 心連心為社區之繁榮和安定共同打拼 這裡就是我們的家園

Dialogue With Commissioner Cagle


Commissioner Cagle visited Southern News Group this afternoon. I personally interviewed him on TV and sincerely welcomed him to our media center.


I showed him the ‘time tunnel’ of Southern News recalling the various activities we have done over the last four decades.


In the interview we talked about the two most important issues for our community including public safety and economic prosperity. The commissioner promised to allocate more funds to increase the police force and set up a public security alarm post for the community. In the meantime, we need to promote businesses and solve their problems in order to improve economic prosperity in our district.


The commissioner also made an announcement for the building of an Asian pagoda and set the groundbreaking ceremony for next month.


We are so glad we have such a public servant as Commissioner Cagle. He is so concerned for our community and is really trying to help.