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社评0816 我和郡长的对话

社评0816 我和郡长的对话


赫里斯郡郡长柯郭今午来访 我和他亲自上阵在电视访谈 并对他的来访表示诚挚之欢迎

我首先带领他参观了美南新闻之时光隧道 回忆数十年来我们对社区所作的各种大小活动 同时见证了数十来国际社区对休斯敦之贡献

我们在电视中谈到大家共同关心的两件大事 其中包括治安和経済繁荣 他非常肯定的保証 将会在他的预算中拨款来增加警力 并广设治安报警系统 為西南及国际区解决最迫切之问题 柯郭郡长也关心此地区小商业面对之一些问题 他有专人来為大家服务 他同时宣称在九月十日将為一座佛塔举行破土动工典礼 為此地区增加文化活动

我对他的到访和谈话 深深感动和感激 他也是我在国际区担任区长多年来接触过最亲切的地方官

我们大家一同期待 手牵手 心连心為社区之繁荣和安定共同打拼 这裡就是我们的家园

Dialogue With Commissioner Cagle


Commissioner Cagle visited Southern News Group this afternoon. I personally interviewed him on TV and sincerely welcomed him to our media center.


I showed him the ‘time tunnel’ of Southern News recalling the various activities we have done over the last four decades.


In the interview we talked about the two most important issues for our community including public safety and economic prosperity. The commissioner promised to allocate more funds to increase the police force and set up a public security alarm post for the community. In the meantime, we need to promote businesses and solve their problems in order to improve economic prosperity in our district.


The commissioner also made an announcement for the building of an Asian pagoda and set the groundbreaking ceremony for next month.


We are so glad we have such a public servant as Commissioner Cagle. He is so concerned for our community and is really trying to help.