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社評0823 福其博士功在國家

社評0823 福其博士功在國家



拜登總統首席醫療顧問福其博士今天宣佈他將於年底辭去三十八年之公職 改變跑道繼續他人生的另一旅程

現年八十一歲的曾經在多任總統任內服務 他從一九六八年詹森總統時代就加入美國全國醫療團隊 正如拜登總統所說 他的貢獻不仅是全國也是拯救了全世界

共和黨有些議員對於福其之退休表示高興 因為他們有些人認為對於新冠病毒起源於中國武漢之調查他要負有責任

我們要再度肯定福其博士畢生對傳染病醫治和防範之極大貢獻 如今在他退修之年 一些國會議員還想要調查他是否在疫情期间未能盡責 真是令人感到憤怒 這位終身奉獻公職的公務員 曾經経歷無數次全球傳染病流行之挑戰 應該受到全國人民之表彰

政治有時是令人厭惡之事今天在華盛頓由於共和及民主兩黨之分歧 一切都可能被政治化 一生奉公守法之公職人員也會成為犧牲品

福其博士已經有非常完整的未來規劃除了寫書 旅遊之外 他希望年輕一代繼續在公共衛生作出貢獻

Anthony Stephen Fauci OMRI is an American physician-scientist and immunologist serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President

Dr. Fauci Looking For The Next Chapter

Dr. Anthony Fauci announced today that he will be leaving government service by the end of this year. He has advised seven presidents and spent one-half of a century at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Fauci, 81, said that he is not retiring in the classic sense, but would devote himself to traveling, writing and encouraging young people to enter government service.

In a statement, President Biden thanked Dr. Fauci who he called, “A dedicated public servant and a steady hand with wisdom and insight. Because of Dr. Fauci’s many contributions to public health, lives here in the United States and around the world have been saved.”

Some Republican congressmen said that if they win control of Congress in November, they would examine Fauci’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, citing findings that the NIH funded a virology institute in Wuhan, China, where the novel coronavirus emerged in late 2019.

Dr. Fauci was best known for his work on HIV/AIDS prior to the coronavirus pandemic.  All of us need to remember that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a great public servant.