社評 0824 我們在錯誤的道路上?

被調查數字中有四分之三的人表示,我們正在走向錯誤方向 ,其中有百分之五十八的人認為,我們美好之日子已成過去。
在此同時, 執政的拜登總統其民意在百分之四十左右徘徊, 而共和黨也沒有明顯跡象佔有絕對優勢。
在這項調查中有一半以上的人認為,前總統川普應該對去年元月六日國會暴亂事件負責, 在此同時, 即便拜登總統已經簽署了反通膨法案, 增加了五十多萬個就業機會 ,但是他的聲望並未有明顯的上升, 對於十一月份之期中選舉而言 ,民主和共和兩黨仍然是一塲拉鋸戰。
今天我們面臨之問題多如牛毛,其中令人最忧虑的還是民生議題, 多半人民生活在高通膨及物價上漲之壓力下 ,變得更加困難, 一些政府救濟和發放钞票不是根本解決之道。
綜觀今日世界, 你中有我,我中有你的世界已經無法改變, 如果世界供應錬之斷裂,加上疫情和戰爭, 氣候變遷等問題, 真是天災人禍。
我們絕不願看到世界局勢之不斷惡化, 我們生活在地球村,需要有智慧的領導人帶領大家走出困境 ,才是人類的幸福。
Are We Going In The Wrong Direction?
According to a NBC News poll, more than a quarter of voters are saying our country is headed in the wrong direction and 58% of the people are saying that America’s best years are behind us, and many people are willing to carry a protest sign out on the street.
With the president’s rating at 40% and Republicans narrowly leading in the polls, it shows a mixed picture going into the upcoming November midterm election.
According to a survey, 57% of registered voters say that the investigation into alleged wrongdoing by Trump should continue. By party, 92% of Democrats and 61% of independents, but just 21% of Republican voters think the investigation should continue. In the meantime, half of the people think Trump is mainly responsible for the January 6th attack on Capitol Hill.
Today we are facing many issues. Among them, the most touching thing is the issue of people’s livelihoods. Most of the people live under the pressure of high inflation and rising prices. Some think that government assistance and giving out cash is the fundamental solution. When you look at the world situation today, the supply chain is broken coupled with the pandemic, the war and climate change which is really a natural and manmade disaster.
This is a global village we are living in. We need wise leaders to lead us out of this difficult time. The world needs peace and the happiness of mankind.