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社評 0827 美股慘跌

社評 0827   美股慘跌



美國聯邦儲備銀行主席鮑爾今午再度表示中央銀行將繼續提高利率以抑制通貨膨脹美股全面下挫超過百分之三以上 是今年六月十六日以來最大之跌幅

鮑爾表示 我們別無選擇在未來的貨幣政策將會繼續緊縮以對付通貨膨脹這將意味著經濟成長緩慢就業市場緩增 對家庭和企業會帶來一些陣痛。

週五下降之幅度 把八月份之漲幅全部消失 使投資人失去信心而使股市繼續不振

我們始終認為 経濟問題是個全面性治標及治本之問題 基本層面之堅實基礎是最重要的一面 今天的通貨膨脹是個全世界之問題 而非是局部的 由于疫情 戰爭所造成之產業失衡和供應鍊中斷 物價自然上漲 每個國家和地區都無法置身事外

中央銀行之利息上升來抑止通膨是目前僅有之方法和手段 只待世界和平到來 疫情過去可能才有解決之良方

大量印鈔來支持國家財政赤字 也是通膨之罪魁禍首 當流動在市面上之面鈔過多 也是物價上漲之主要原因

Wall Street Ends Up In A Hole

As Federal Reserve chairman Powell signaled that the central bank would keep hiking the interest rate to tame inflation , Wall Street ended Friday with all three benchmarks more than  3% down.

The Nasdaq declines had its worst daily performance since June 16th.

In a speech, Powell said, “The U.S. economy will need a tight monetary policy for some time before inflation is under control. That means slower growth and a weaker job market and more pain for households and businesses.”

We have always believed that the economic problem is a comprehensive problem and also a worldwide issue. Due to the pandemic, the war and supply chain interruptions, prices naturally will rise. Every country and every populated area cannot ignore or stay out of the matter.

At the present time, the only thing the central bank can do is to continue raising the interest rate and just wait for the world’s situation to improve.

Continuing to print money to support the high cost of the government’s expenses is also a major reason that inflation continues and is not stopped.