社評0831 讀懂中秋 送上溫情

讀懂中秋 送上溫情
中秋之夜月色皎潔 ,我們把此良辰美景,視為團圓之象徵。早在三千年前的周代 ,帝王即有春天祭日, 秋天祭月之禮制, 中秋吃月餅源於元朝年間 ,朱元璋聯合各路人馬,要推翻蒙古人之統治,軍師劉伯溫,獻計把起義時間藏在月餅中,各路人馬同時起義而一舉成功。
今年中秋有如往常一樣, 我們向一些長輩親友送上月餅表示敬意, 由于疫情已經二年沒有去拜訪了, 今晚特別高興來到了曹志源教授位於休斯敦西南區的住處, 當他開門迎接我們時, 這位年逾九十之長者依然身體康健, 談笑自若 ,令我們十分驚喜。坐在書香四溢的客廳𥚃, 這位早年曾在華府追隨過葉公超,等外交大員的外交官 ,曾經在中美外交史上扮演過許多角色, 退出外交界後又在休斯敦,浸信會大學執教多年,當選為最儏出之教授, 可謂桃李滿天下。
曹教授最令人感動的是十多年來一直服侍他數十年臥病在床的老伴,一直到去年才把她送走。今午我們再次和曹教授聚首長談, 把一盒小小月餅送到他手中 ,實現了我們對長者和親友們一份心意, 離去時我再一次緊握住他的手,再次說聲保重 ,明年一定要再來。
Sending The Warmest Message For The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival is the second largest festival of all of our traditions according to our ancient calendar in the middle of the August moon. Ishtar is very bright now and we regard this beautiful scenery as the symbol of reunion
As early as 3,000 years ago in the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor held the spring festival day to enjoy the full moon. In the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yainzhang joined forces from different sectors and hid the message in the mooncakes and successfully overthrew the Mongolian regime.
Every year before the Mid-Autumn Festival, we pay a visit to the elders and friends. Tonight we came to Professor James Tsao’s residence in Sugar Land to bring him a box of mooncakes. Professor Tsao is over 90 years old, but he is still very healthy. He was a retired diplomat in Washington, D.C. and later became a political science professor at Houston Baptist University for many decades.
The most touching part was that he took care of his wife day and night for the last ten years until she passed away last year.
Our hearts are always with him and many old friends in Houston. When we left his house, I held his hand and told him that we will be back again next year.