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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0912 我們重植族裔文化之幼苗

社評0912   我們重植族裔文化之幼苗



週六上午我們大家聚集在休斯敦八號公路旁的國際區艾斯多公園旁 在郡長克郭之召集下 我們共同為第一座東方亭閣樓舉行了破土動工典禮 心中激起陣陣澎湃熱情 眼看這座代表我們族裔文化之精緻樓亭將是我們建造國際文化博物館之第一步

近百年來 來自世界各角落的移民 我們許多都是赤手空拳 把許多荒蕪之稻田地打造成為商業區 為當地之経濟注入活水 製造了無數之商機和就業機會 許多下一代靑年學習之專業已経成為社會之中堅

在由名建築師李兆瓊兄之策劃下 我們已經勾劃出未來之藍圖 當這個亭閣建成後 我們將建造一座弓橋 把閣亭和彼岸之小島連接後建造一座一萬呎之文化博物館 其中把來自五大洲移民之文化分別展示和陳列出來 再把前輩們在此奮鬥之事蹟永遠留存


我們深感美國是一個種族匯集共同創建的國家 我們都應該以自己固有之文化傳統為榮 一定要教導下一代 他們除了溶入當地主流社會 一定不要忘記自己來自何方

今天我們要打造的休斯敦國際文化博物館就是把族裔文化往下紥根 歷史上的風云人物和風光歲月 都會被時間遺忘 唯有文化傳承才是永恆的

The First Step Toward Building A Houston International Museum

On Saturday morning we all got together with Commissioner Jack Cagle and many community leaders at Arthur Storey Park in the International District. We jointly held a groundbreaking ceremony for the first oriental pavilion in the park.

It aroused enthusiasm in our heart to see this exquisite pavilion which represents our ethnic culture. It will be constructed in the near future. This is also the first step we are taking toward building the Houston International Culture Museum.

Over the last several decades many of us have been immigrants from all corners of the world. We have turned many barren rice fields and raw land into commercial areas and created countless business and job opportunities. Many of our next generation will become the backbone of society.

With the help of Commissioner Cagle and architect C. C. Lee, we are creating a master plan for building the Houston International Culture Museum and the building of a bridge to connect two small islands with a 10,000 square foot building which will display the cultures of many different countries. We want to tell the stories of how these immigrants came to America and we want to showcase their success stories.

The International District will work very closely with local community leaders to showcase these  many success stories forever.

We should all be proud of our own heritage, no matter where you came from. This great land has given us opportunity and freedom. We all love this country.