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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0913 美國將向癌症挑戰

社評 0913  美國將向癌症挑戰





六十年前之今天 甘納迪總統在德州休斯敦的著名演說中表示要在六十年代把人送上月球 結果终於在一九六九年中把三位太空人送上到月球拜登總統在引用這句豪語來表達我們能戰勝癌症之決心

早在二0一六年他擔任副縂統時 拜登總統已經在動員聯邦和私人機構制定抗癌之方案 包括防疫教育及早期測試 過後不久 他的長子也因腦瘤過世 這對他是非常沈重之打擊

今天我們面對新冠病毒之際 癌症仍然是全世界之最大公敵 也是全人類之第一殺手 我們非常支持拜登總統能夠動員聯邦政府之力量 有如當年登月之決心 早日打敗癌症為全人類作出貢獻

“Moonshot” Plan To End Cancer

President Biden is promoting a plan to end cancer on the 60th anniversary of one of former President Kennedy’s most famous speeches.

President Biden detailed his cancer moonshot initiative in February which aims to cut cancer deaths in the United States in half over the next quarter century.

Biden said that, “We are calling it a moonshot and that is because I believe that this effort is like President Kennedy’s call to land a man on the moon. It is truly a call to humankind to be bold and do the big thing.”

Sixty years ago President Kennedy gave a speech at Rice University in Houston, Texas, to proclaim that the United States will put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960‘s. The first man landed on the moon in July of 1969, meeting the Kennedy deadline with five months to spare.

Today we are still facing Covid-19 as well as cancer which is still the world’s biggest public enemy and first killer of mankind. We strongly support the president’s effort to use the same determination it took to land a man on the moon and make cancer a part of history.