社評0927 颶風席捲佛州

埃克颱風將於今天登陸佛羅里達州, 部分地區之居民已經被政府下令撤走 ,以免受到風暴之來襲。
根據國家氣象局預測, 埃克颱風將在今天増強風速全面橫掃佛州, 這是自一九二一年有史以來最強勁之颶風, 位於天拔市之美國空軍基地也將撤離。
天拔國際機場因強勁風力也將關閉, 以策安全 ,埃克颱風帶來八到十五英寸之雨量, 大量雨水將對道路和住宅造成淹水。
氣象專家擔憂, 埃克可能變為二級颶風侵襲全州, 至少一千五百萬居民面臨嚴重考驗。
拜登總統己経下令聯邦救災機構全面戒備, 來應對這次世紀危機。
值此颱風季節, 處於風災地帶之美國西南墨西哥灣地區 ,每年都傳出災情, 主要原因之一也是氣候變化所造成, 如果大家仍然袖手旁觀, 每年之風災仍然無法幸免。
Ian Strengthens Into Florida
Ian strengthened into a hurricane across the Florida Keys and the southern and central Florida peninsula.
A mandatory evacuation order was issued for residents in Hillsborough County on the western part of the Florida peninsula.
Senior meteorologist Rick Davis said that a major hurricane has not directly hit the Tampa Bay area since 1921. The hurricane is forecast to bring 8-to-15 inches of rain to central west Florida and 4-to-6 inches to the Keys.
The people in the area must prepare as best they can and they must prepare for the worst, and absolutely pray and hope for the best.
We are hoping the hurricane will soon be over. Climate change will continue to bring us these disasters.