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社評 0928 學貸應全減免嗎

社評 0928 學貸應全減免嗎


根據國會預算辦公室之估計 拜登政總統頒布對學生貸款之減免計劃 將要國家未來三十年支出四千億美元

白宮上週宣佈 政府將對大學生二萬元及收入在十二萬五千元雙人收入在二十五萬元之學生貸款 可以全部免除債務

全國有四千三百萬學生對聯邦政府負債l.6萬億 拜登總統將為他們免除四千三百億


我們對於拜登之行動表示高度存疑 尤其是美國在債高筑財政不佳之大環境下 是否有此必要 或者只是討好選民之方法

多年來政府為照顧許多貧窮學生可以有進入大學之機會 因而伸出援手 貸款給數千萬大學生 在他們畢業之後 多半都找到不錯之職業 理應還債給政府這也是天經地義之事 如今卻不履約還錢令人費思不解

Why Should Student Loans Not Be Paid Back?

 According to the Congressional Budget Office, President Biden’s estimated plan to alleviate the burden of student debt could cost the United States some $400 billion over the next 30 years.

The report was published Monday, nearly a month after Biden announced executive actions to erase up to $20,000 of debt issued to Pell Grant recipients who are usually undergraduate students with exceptional needs, and $10,000 of debt issued to federal borrowers who earn less than $125.000 individually, or $250,000 for the household.

We have more than 43 million borrowers holding about $1.6 trillion in federal student loan debt of which $430 billion will be canceled under Biden’s plan.

We have doubts about why President Biden took this extreme action at a time when our nation is still facing serious financial problems.

Over the years, many students applied for government help so they could go to college and earn their degree and get a good job. It is also natural to pay off your debts to the government. If everybody depended on our government for free money, this would bankrupt our country.