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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0929 世紀巨獸颶風橫掃佛州

社評 0929 世紀巨獸颶風橫掃佛州



週三下午三時開始伊恩颶風挾帶強風豪雨登陸美國佛羅里達州威力高達五級暴潮掀起巨大浪花導致船支沉沒 已造成重大傷亡



極大之風力和豪雨已經把佛州沿海城市之街道樹枝吹倒 海水倒灌到整個房屋 一些水位已經漲到自一九六五年有記錄以來最高水位 居家車輌被衝到街上 许多房屋己経滅頂 居民們說由于風力太強根本看不到外面 而且已徑斷電


伊恩颶風帶來之損害 是世紀以來僅見之風暴 拜登總統已經下令有關機構作出緊急動員 到底造成多少傷害目前正在評估之中

Hurricane Ian Makes Landfall In Florida

Hurricane Ian made landfall along the southwest coast of Florida as a powerful category 4 storm. It was the strongest hurricane landfall ever on the west coast of the peninsula.

Cars are floating down the streets and some houses are completely flooded. The strong winds are blowing away debris, ripping down trees, setting off alarms and knocking out power lines. Water in some areas reached to record highs that the city has been recording since 1965.

Some residents said the wind was so strong that they couldn’t see anything out of their windows.

Earlier this week, the city and local governments issued a mandatory evacuation for more than 1.7 million residents across the southwest counties. For those who chose to stay, the local authorities warned those people to shelter in place and not to venture outside.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis said that Hurricane Ian, at minimum, will be a very strong category 4 hurricane that ranks as one of the top five to ever hit the Florida peninsula.

Some scientists say that the reason a category 3 to 4 storm occurs in less than three hours is an example of the larger trend that climate change has been on a warming trend for almost a generation.

All the federal agencies are standing by to try and help all the people in Florida. We will have a better picture later today or tomorrow on how much damage this strong hurricane has done.