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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 1013 美南新聞廣場迎來多次選舉群眾大會

社評 1013  美南新聞廣場迎來多次選舉群眾大會



眾多的華亞裔拉丁選民將於本週末星期六下午四時在美南新聞廣㘯舉行造勢大會 ,將有兩黨重量級人物出席。今年美國期中選舉已經近在眉捷, 民主共和雨黨正在做最後衝刺 ,已經到達短兵相接之時刻,我們也非常時期這㘯選舉為大家帶來希望和繁榮。

 二十多年來 ,休斯敦西南及國際區経過多少拓荒者之努力和奮鬥 ,如今百業興旺, 雖然過去二年多來新冠疫情重創了経濟, 並犧牲了眾多寶貴之生命 ,但是, 我們已經逐漸走出了陰影 ,每當我看見在百利大道上的車水馬龍 ,心中真是無限感慨。 值此競選時期 ,許多候選人之巨型廣告插滿在大道上, 也有許多政治群眾大會在美南新聞廣場上舉辦, 包括州長議員 ,為了爭取我們的選票 ,也卯盡全力在大會上搖旗吶喊。選賢與能是我們大家去投票選出代表,去執行公務為人民服務之行動, 今天在政界仍然有許多敗類為非作歹,造成國家社會重大傷害。今天我們華亞裔社區已經成為國家選舉之關鍵少數, 這也是我們發揮力量之時刻, 選舉日期即將到來, 我們務必前往投下神聖之一票, 是權利 也是義務。

Political Rally In Front Of Southern News Group

AAPI and Asian American and Latino voters will host a political rally in front of our building this coming Saturday at 4:00 pm. Many politicians will attend.

This year’s midterm elections are approaching. Both Republicans and Democrats are making final efforts to try and win the election.

Over the last more than a quarter of a century, many pioneers came to the southwest part of Houston and the International District to start their journey and they have helped turn this area into one of the most prosperous areas in the city of Houston. After more than a two years’ struggle, we are finally coming out of the shadow of the pandemic. When we recently saw the long and busy lines of traffic on our streets, we felt very happy and excited.

Through free elections in the U.S., we select our representatives to serve in government, but many elected officials could also harm our country in many ways.

Today the Asian American and Pacific Islander community has become an important and key minority in the national elections. We must go cast our votes which is both a right and an obligation.