社評 1015 組成政治行動委員會之迫切性

期中選舉即將到來,包括州長在內的候選人,今午聚集在休斯敦美南新聞廣塲上舉行選前最大的一次選舉造勢活動, 我們也毫不猶豫地让大家來使用這塊㘯地, 表示我們對選舉之支持。
多年來, 我們一直非常熱心地參與當地之各項活動, 許多友人更是出錢出力 ,為許多政客們搖旗呐喊 ,但是往往激情過後, 這些政客再也見不到人了。
我們應該積極組成一個政治行動委員會, 把所有可能動員的人力物力和財力融合在一起 ,集體行動來支持合乎條件之候選人。
事實上和我們最有密切關係的應該是市長 、市議員、 郡長及聯邦國會議員。
民主政治之應作是在選票及鈔票之兩大支柱, 缺一不可, 我們華亞裔及國際社區已經在茁壯之中 ,為了維護自己之權益, 一定要組織團結起來, 政治行動委員會應該是最佳利器。
The Urgency Of Forming A Political Action Group
The midterm election is coming. Many candidates will be here at our compound today. We will not hesitate to let them use our compound in order to show our support.
Over the years, many of our community leaders have been very enthusiastic about participation in various political activities. They donate money, wave the flag and shout for politicians. But often, after all the passion, many politicians disappear.
Today we really need to form a political action group to integrate all of our human and financial resources that can be mobilized and take collective action to support the most qualified candidates. In fact, the closest relationships with us should be the mayor and our city council, commissioners and congressmen.
The role of democratic politics consists of two pillars: one is of ballots and the other is money. Both of them are essential and indispensable.
We as the Asian American community need to unite to protect our rights. The solution is that we must organize a political action committee. Today’s chaotic and uncertain political climate demands that we do it.