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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹




 拜登總統下令國內石油公司必須要增加石油生產, 否則將會以高稅來懲罰所得,總統在記者會上表示 ,這些破紀錄之高利潤, 並非來自科技之更新,而是發了戰爭財。

期中選舉即將到來, 油價仍然居高不下, 拜登認為這些石油公司有責任為自己的社區和國家,及消費者的利益而增加石油供應, 否則他們將被課徵重稅 ,即便目前政府增稅依法無據 ,但是政府仍會考慮如何和國會議員協商增稅。目前全國平均油價是三元七十六分 ,比去年同期高出三十六分 ,但比六月份之五元零二分低得多。

兩大石油公司簡直是賺翻了 ,雪佛蘭到第三季度淨利潤112億美元, 埃桑克是197億美元,拜登總統感到這些高利潤簡直令人難予置信。民主黨在此關鍵時刻, 只有把油價和物價抑制下來, 才有可能在期中選举得勝, 但是這些石油公司是否遵從只有拭目以待了。

ITC Twenty-Year Anniversary Kickoff Party


Last Friday we held a kickoff party for the ITC 20th Anniversary 2022 Gala. Nearly 200 friends attended the warm reception, including our Gala Chair, Judge Robert Eckels, Congressman Al Green, Commissioner Jack Cagle, several consuls general and many chamber of commerce presidents.


Over the past twenty years, the International Trade Center has held hundreds of activities of all sizes, including academic seminars, business meetings and has served more than ten thousand small businesses in this region. Because of all these contributions, we won a community service award from former President Obama.


Today we have a new vision to integrate the platform of our trade center through our media group to expand into financial services. This new integrated platform will be used to reach our new goal of setting foot on the international stage.


We are so fortunate that so many of our business partners have been with us throughout the last so many decades.


The huge wheel of history has always been rolling forward. We are here to catch the opportunity to serve our community and our country.