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社評1103 選舉在即 我們要投票

社評1103   選舉在即 我們要投票


選舉在即 我們要投票

休斯敦國際區選所屬的第四區區長卡郭於今晚七點在華埠敦煌商塲邀请舞獅團到塲表演,除了他對中華文化之熱愛,也是他親民之表現 多年來 他是我非常少見的地方父母官能勤走基層之民意代表

美國全國期中選舉即將在下週二舉行 這次選舉將是決定美國未來方向之重要投票 首先是民主和共和兩黨誰會繼續控制國會 選舉後要如何面對世界之亂局 尤其是烏克蘭戰爭美國是否要無限之支持這塲戰鬥 歐洲各國面臨之通膨及能源短缺已經造成経濟之衰退及民不聊生 尤其是中美兩國關係之惡化導致全球發展之巨大挑戰

我們呼籲華亞裔社區之選民應立即前往投票 除了履行公民之義務和權利外 更要顕示我們之力量 我們少不了你的這一票 因為事關我們自己和下一代之前途和希望

The Election Is Here. We Need To Go Vote

Commissioner Cagle’s team put on the dragon dancing tonight in Houston’s  Chinatown. He does not just live the Asian culture, he also tries to bring closer relations within the community. He has been a very rare representative of our district who comes to the grassroots level.

The midterm election will be held next Tuesday. This election is so important to determining the future direction of the United States. First of all, the election will decide which party will control the Congress and how we will face the chaos of the world, especially the Ukraine war, the energy shortage and inflation now causing recession in Europe, and in particular, the increasing deterioration of U.S.-China relations. The election will lead to great challenges for bringing peace to the world.

We are here to call on all our community leaders and voters to go to vote, while additionally fulfilling our obligation and rights as citizens.

This election is a wake up call for all of us. The future of our next generation is in our hands.