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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評1109 華亞裔掀起激情

社評1109  華亞裔掀起激情



在一場激烈競爭之美國期中選舉中 ,數以百萬計的美國人投下了一票, 他們出現在各地校舍 圖書館及社區中心之投票站 希望用選票來表示他們的意見和不滿情緒 也正在考驗這個大國的民主選舉

在德州州長艾伯特之保衛戰中 他仍然贏得大勝 許多共和黨在德州參眾議院仍仍居於領先地位

華亞裔競選連任的州議員吳元之 福邊郡郡長喬治及越裔州議員武荷白仍然繼續當選連任

我們感到非常興奮的是在此次期中選舉中 華亞裔激起了非常罕見的熱情 除了在休斯敦中國人活動中心設有投票所之外 華亞裔社區先後舉辦了許多次之政見及助選集會 而且許多參與者都是首次投票

我們一再呼籲 不論你屬於任何黨派 貴在於參加行使投票權 來彰顯我們成為選民之力量

置此経濟面對挑戰 兩黨對立加深之時 我們更要在此時撐握自己的前途和命運

Asian Americans Arouse Passion In The Midterm Election

Millions of voters went to the poll stations to cast their votes in the midterm election on Tuesday with the hope of expressing their opinions and dissatisfaction with the votes.

The results showed that Texas Governor Greg Abbott still won a big victory. Many Republicans still took the lead in the Texas races.

Asian candidates, including State Representatives Hubert Vo and Gene Wu and Ft. Bend County Judge J. P. George, were all re-elected.

This midterm election was the first time we set up a voting poll location at the Chinese Civic Center. Recently our community hosted many events there to support the candidates and most of the attendees were first-time voters.

We have repeatedly called on our community to go out and vote and to exercise our right.

Today we are facing many challenges. We should take hold of our own future and destiny and just not wait for our participation.