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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 1125 奧克拉荷馬州大麻農塲發生兇殺案

社評 1125  奧克拉荷馬州大麻農塲發生兇殺案



隣近德州的奧克拉荷馬種植大麻之農莊上週日發生兇殺案 四名華人以處決方式被槍殺 邁阿密海灘市警方昨天宣稱 一名四十多歲的陳姓男子已經被捕並能送回奧克拉荷馬被審

據警方在記者會上宣稱 兇手是在週日下午進入亨尼西市附近的大麻種植農舍以暴力處決方式近距離殺害了三名男子和一名女子 這顯然是一次處決而不是隨意射殺

自從2021年以來 奧克荷拉州政府己経發放了八千五百張種植大麻之許可證 一時興起了種大麻之熱潮其中大部份是華人和越南人墨西哥人居多

這股大麻熱形成了許多黑社會幫派之介入時時發生糾紛 不過集體屠殺尚屬首次

我們呼籲政府要立即偵辦此重大案件 查明真相 緝凶帰案

許多多新移民初抵美國 因被高工資主吸引 許多加入了大麻種植行列 如今遭此毒手情何以堪

百年前華人到金山採金礦如今又是種大麻 為了生存只有冒險 也真令人同情

Four Chinese Killed By Execution Style In Oklahoma

Oklahoma police said that they arrested a suspect who they believe killed four people “execution style” on a rural marijuana farm last Sunday.

The Miami Beach Police Department arrested the suspect, Wu Chen, 45. He will face charges of murder and shooting with intent to kill and will be extradited to Oklahoma .

The victims were all Chinese. At about 5:45 pm on Sunday the suspect entered a building at the marijuana farm near Hennessy Okla. about 70 miles from Oklahoma City. The suspect was inside the building for a long time before violence erupted.

Since the spring of 2021, the state government has given out about 8,500 licenses to grow marijuana, mostly to people from China, Vietnam and Mexico who come to Oklahoma to grow marijuana for the black market. This situation has caused underground gangs to form who now compete for the control of the marijuana production.

Many new immigrants have arrived in the United States for the first time because they are attracted by the high pay.

We remember one hundred years ago when the Chinese came to the San Francisco area because of the gold rush. But now, they are looking for the “big money” again with marijuana. 

We call on the federal government to immediately investigate this major case and determine the truth about these murders and bring justice to the criminals who are responsible.