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社評1201 眾議院首位黑人議長

社評1201  眾議院首位黑人議長



來自布碌克林的黑人眾議員哲佛林今天當選為眾議院民主黨議領袖 取代自二零零三就出任議長之佩洛西

這是美國眾議院有史以來由黑人出任少數黨領袖 也代表了時代交替由年輕一輩領軍 參議院多數黨領䄂蘇麥表示 這是美國政治史上的一大轉捩點 我們認為哲佛林將會代表全國各族人民之利益

早在黑人領䄂金恩博士領導民權運動以來 將諸多不平等之待遇推翻 其中包括賦予人人投票之公民權 這項爭取民權運動改寫了整個國家之歷史 包括華亞裔在內的公民都因而受益

回顧過去數十年來之政治活動 黑人政治家不斷展露頭角 許多大城市都選出了黑人市長 參眾兩院也有許多黑人議員 他們在政治上佔有非常重要之地位

我們在此恭賀哲福林出任黨領袖 並期盼他能繼續登高一呼 維護人民權益共同促進國家政治安定經濟繁榮

                                 House Democrats Change Leadership

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York has been elected as the new Democratic House leader and makes history as the first black lawmaker to lead the party.

Jeffries took over the leadership following speaker Nancy Pelosi who has served as leader since 2003. Jeffries said this is ‘moment of transition.’ “We stand on the shoulders of giants, but we are also looking forward to being able to do what’s necessary at this moment to advance the issues.”

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer called Jeffries’ election a “turning point” in the history of the United States Congress.

Since the early civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement, many unequal treatments have been overturned, including granting everyone the right to vote. The civil rights movement has rewritten the history of the whole country, including the Chinese Asian Americans. We all have benefitted from this.

We hereby congratulate Rep. Hakeem Jeffries on his new leadership position in the Democratic Party and look forward to his continuing to ascend to protect the rights and interests of the people, and jointly promote the country’s political stability and economic prosperity.