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社評1214 國會正在努力避免政府停擺

社評1214 國會正在努力避免政府停擺


美國國會參眾議院正在準備把審查政府預算之時延長一星期 以避免延誤了政府總預算案之審查導至聯邦政府停擺

原來的預算應該在本週五午夜前要通過 但是由于時間來不及而延長到十二月二十三日 以便有更多時間兩黨進行協商

兩黨對於未來預算有很大分歧 共和黨認為要確保八千五百八十億的國防預算 而他們覺得對社會及一般支出過愈龎大

事實上美國政府近年來之預算是寅吃卯糧在度日 政府之赤字不斷擴大 這一年來給予烏克蘭之經濟及軍事援助還在繼續擴大之中

傳統而言 民主黨是主張大政府 補助弱勢 增加福利 並且採敢刼富濟貧之社會政策 正如加州政府因政府支出不斷增加 造成企業出走 反觀德州在共和黨之執政下 州政府每年尚有盈餘

今天我們必須正視政府之財政問題 許多不必要之支出必須刪除 唯有良好之預算才是增強國力之道

Congress Works On The Budget To Avoid Shutdown

Lawmakers in Washington are working to pass a government resolution for funding for one week as negotiations continue to focus on a longer term spending bill. Congress faces a midnight Friday deadline to pass a spending bill to prevent a partial government shutdown.

Included in the new budget will be billions of dollars in funding for Ukraine.

The two parties still have different views on how to spend and allocate funds for non-defense in the next fiscal year.

Today we must face up to the government’s financial problems. Many unnecessary expenditures must be detected.

Traditionally speaking, the Democratic Party advocates that bigger government subsidizes the poor with welfare, just as the state of California does. Due to government spending, many companies are moving out. In the meantime, the State of Texas still has a fiscal surplus under the Republican government.