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社評1215敬老尊賢 老友相聚

社評1215敬老尊賢 老友相聚

敬老尊賢 老友相聚

屈指一算 遷居德州已逾數十年 當年我們開著一輪小窩柏車從美麗的舊金山直奔德克薩斯州 穿過沙漠荒土一望無際的大草原 在貫穿美國東西的十號州際公路上整整行駛了近一個星期 我們在這塊陌生而又充滿生機的土地上生根茁壯成長 我們今天已經成為十足的德州佬。

數十年來 我們已經把炎熱的夏暑視為生活中的一部份 當年在南方大城休斯敦之中國城僅有二三家餐廳華人社區老大安良工商會大樓那裡是華人老僑們的家和精神寄托之地聽到自己的鄉音嗜到自己的家鄉菜

老實說 美南新聞之誕生 為華人社區注入了活力 我曾穿過大街小巷 走訪商家 寫過許多新聞報導 其中讓我最深刻的是朱氏大老朱朝伯先生 他的朱氏餐廳開在休城最豪華的富人拉馬大樓底層 他地道的英語和主流之良好關係令人折服 在我心𥚃深處不但羡慕而且是學習之榜樣

多年過去了 德州發生了翻天覆地之變化 走在街上從新华埠到國際區之百利大道 已經形成一道美麗而繁華之風景线 這些輝煌多半應歸功於前人種樹後人乘涼之老一輩老人同胞

時光荏冉 歲月如歌 青山在 人未老 我們在週末邀請了數十位老友到家中相聚 表達我們對這些長輩之謝意 也希望藉此發揚敬老尊賢之傳統美德 更要提醒年輕一代必須要飲水思源 尤其是孝順父母,尊師重道是最基本之為人之道

                 Respecting The Elderly And Virtuous, Old Friends Get Together

It has been more than a few decades since we moved to Texas. In the early summer of the 1970’s, we drove a German-made Opel sedan from beautiful San Francisco, through the endless desert and wilderness. We traveled from west to east on the Interstate 10 highway for almost a week. We were in this strange and vibrant land to take root and thrive. Today, we have become complete Texans.

For decades we have regarded the hot summer heat as a part of life. At that time, in the old Chinatown of Houston, there were only two or three restaurants and the building of the An Leung Association. It was the home and spiritual place for many Houston Chinese Americans back then.

To be honest, the birth of Southern Chinese News has injected vitality into the Chinese community. I once crossed the streets and alleys and visited many merchants and wrote many news articles. Among them, Mr. Albert Gee, the elder of the Gee family, made me the most proud. His Gee’s Restaurant was opened on the first floor of the most luxurious apartment complex called the Lamar Tower. His authentic English and relationship with the mainstream society was convincing and inspiring. One day I need to be Mr Gee.

Years have now passed. Walking in the new Houston Chinatown and International District today is a big contrast. This area has now become one of the economic models of the city and its brilliance is mostly due to the elder generation who planted trees and opened the road for us.

On this weekend we invited many of our old friends to come to our home to express our gratitude to these elders. We also hope to carry forward the traditional virtue of respecting the elderly. We should also remind the younger generation that we need to respect the elderly, especially the filial piety, our parents and teachers. This is our traditional culture.