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社評1219 我們是三代同堂

社評1219 我們是三代同堂


著名休斯敦電視新聞主播周璇明在參加完了我們「溫情相伴 老友相聚」之聚會後在她的臉書上寫道:「這張照片敘述了休斯敦華裔美人三代同堂的故事 從経營和住在雜貨店𥚃的第一代前輩到新移民及餐館主人一直到擁有律師事務所銀行及許多商家 這張合照印証休斯敦造就我們有任何可能成功的機會 謝謝你們伉儷舉辦了這場精彩的聖誕慶祝會並將勾起我們共同回憶和誠絜之祝福

在這頁臉書上立即得到非常熱烈的反響 她的一位粉絲直言 「我們感謝華裔給休斯敦之貢獻 並祝福妳們三代同堂的大家庭永遠快樂幸福

我凝思良久 真的我們是三代共聚一堂的華人大家庭 這次聚會 確實震撼了我們的心 當我緊握沈彥偉律師的手 他說我今年已經九十歲了 關振鵬之母親已九十七歲是近百歲人瑞 僑領黃仕遠 林國煌 林國民 黃泰生都年過八旬 賴清陽律師及夫人李迎霞仍然聲如宏鐘 伍冠南律師及李衞民醫生回憶過去社區往事有如回到從前 吳華昌兄及謝坤增伉儷皆是數十年之舊友 僑教中心王主任我們的大學同窗陳紫薇暨夫婿成彥邦醫生方麗萍都來了 我們的女兒女婿外孫皆到塲為大家送花致意

我們在歡笑中共同度過了一個歡愉感動的老中青三代同堂的聚會 更見證了我們華裔在美國共同奮鬥成長之歷程

We Are The Family

Shern-min Chao, the famous TV news anchor, wrote on her Facebook page after attending our old friends reunion party. She said, “This picture tells the story of 3 generations of Chinese Americas in H-town. From humble beginnings, living above the family grocery store, newly arrived immigrants & restaurant workers, to owning law firms, banks & businesses. This is a snapshot of Houston and all that is possible here.”

“Thank you Wea & Catherine Lee for hosting a wonderful Christmas celebration as we count our blessings & remember our journeys.”

I saw many fans of her’s respond enthusiastically and saying bluntly, “We thank Chinese Americans for your contribution to Houston and wish your three generations of happy family forever. “

We have been thinking about it for long time. We really are a Chinese American family with three generations, and the party really shocked our hearts. I held the hand of lawyer William Sims who told me that he is 90 years old. Gordon Quan’s mom is 97, almost reaching 100. Many old friends, Richard Lin, Ben Chiang, Ted Hsieh, Harry Sun and the Mayor of Chinatown, Kenneth Li. All of them were here.

We visited Taiwan many years ago with Eddy Lim and his wife. Director Wang of the Overseas Chinese Service Center, our classmate Tammy Cheng, Christiana Lee and Dr Cheng, they all enjoyed the reunion party very much. My daughter, Margaret, son-in-law Jack, grandson Andy and granddaughter. All all of them helped to greet our friends and hand out roses to them.

We spent a very happy and touching gathering of three generations of old, middle-age and young people together in laughter and witnessed the process of our Chinese Americans working hard to grow up in America.