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社評 0102 我們以亞華裔公民為榮

社評 0102 我們以亞華裔公民為榮


隨著新年之到來全國各地從聯邦到地方之官員市長 市議員 法官即將在元月份先後就職 開始他們為民服務之公職生涯

由於華亞裔公民對參政之覺醒 過去十一月份之各項選舉活動 我們的投票人數大幅上升 這充分顯示我們在政治上之影響力不斷增大


值此新年到來 我們有許多新希望 首先是祝福大家身體康健 萬事順遂

對於華亞裔參政者我們一定要有計劃地支持他們的參選 除了給予経濟上之資助之外 更重要的是要去投票

展望未來國內外情勢 我們仍然面臨重大之挑戰 拜登總統之國事如麻 外交 內政更是面臨嚴峻之考驗

今天我們一定要团結起來 以選票和鈔票來表達我們的意見及力量

We Are Proud of Asian Americans

With the arrival of the new year, elected officials, including governors, city councils and judges are about to take their oaths of office in January to start their public service for the people.

Due to the awakening of Chinese and Asian citizens into political participation, the number of Asian voters has increased significantly which numbers now clearly reflect that our political influence is increasing.

Former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao has always reminded us that we are very proud of our heritage.

With the arrival of the new year, first of all, we wish everyone good health. We also want to remind everyone to support our Asian American political candidates with financial support and to go out and vote for them.

Looking forward to the future, we are still facing major challenges. Today we need to be united to help our community and to overcome their problems.