社評 0109我們共同打造休斯敦多元族裔文化之名片

本週五下午五時, 我們在美南國際貿易中心將舉辦一場歡迎酒會, 並由州議員雷諾及教育委員威廉斯女士共同主持 ,熱烈歡迎新到任的艾禮學區總監梅斯博士, 他將是我們這個學區的總領導, 也是艾禮學區首次任用的非裔教育家。
我們在此也希望他能繼續對學區之國際化,注重此地區多元民族之文化特質 ,也希望結合學區推廣各族裔之慶典文化活動來活烙我們的社區経濟發展。
對我們而言 ,艾禮學區之盛衰有十分深刻之感受, 近二十年來由于大量外來居民之遷入, 商業也逐漸繁榮 ,稅收增加 學區多次發行之公債也得予通過, 對學區之發展和重振有著直接之關係。
我們正在向梅斯總監建議, 加強國際學校之教學課程, 希望國際區能配合學區之各項文化活動, 舉辦節慶游行、音樂活動, 打造我們成為休斯敦多元族裔文化的名片。
走在國際區街頭, 舉目望去有不同族裔文字之招牌, 在市㘯餐廳到處是不同之各國語言, 相同的是我們已經在此落地生根 ,視為共同的家。
不論世局如何變化, 我們大家仍然相信社區之相互關懷和幫助才是我們生存之道。
梅斯博士 ,我們歡迎您的到任 ,並祝福學區繼續壯大,服務社區。
We Will Create A Multi-Ethnic Culture Business Card
This upcoming Friday at the International Trade Center we will hold a welcome reception for our new Alief School District Superintendent, Dr. Anthony T. Mays. The party will be hosted by State Representative Ron Reynolds and Alief ISD Trustee Ann Williams. Dr. Mays will be the leader of our school district and the first African educator appointed by the Alief School District.
This is also an historical moment for our community. We all hope that Dr. Mays will continue to promote international culture in the district through the bilingual high school.
For all the residents and businesses in this area, we feel very strongly about the school district's up's and down's over the past several years. In the past twenty years, many newcomers and businesses have moved in here and the school district has issued bonds to rebuild and revitalize the area. Looking at the schools today, we have become one of the very best school districts in Harris County.
If you walk around in the International District and look up at the signs with the several different languages, we speak many different languages in the supermarkets and in the restaurants. The thing is that many diverse cultures have taken root here and regard it as their home.
We are continuing to work with the school district to celebrate cultural events including parades and festivals. We want to create a new multi-ethnic culture business card for the City of Houston.