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社評0112 我們打開德州和國際交流之空間

社評0112  我們打開德州和國際交流之空間


2023 年首次之美南國際貿易中心理事會於元月十一日中午在中心大樓召開 來自休斯敦工商文化學術金融地產界二十多人參加 這是過去三年疫情發生以來 首次舉行之理事會 経過多小時之討論後理事會決定全面陜復未來一年之計劃和活動

國際貿易中心於十一月舉行之二十週年慶祝活動 邀請到前交通部長趙小蘭為主要演說人 並得到市長特納民主共和兩黨議員及五百多位各界人士熱烈之參與和支持

理事會做成一年之工作規劃 最重要的包括每月舉辦投資金融貿易地產等座談會 同時舉辦前往世界各地之投資考察團 為會員拓展市場加強對各族裔傳統文化慶祝活動 其中即將在元月二十一日在美南新聞廣場舉辦之迎接兔年之園游會 並且規劃七月四日美國國庆大遊行 龍舟大賽 墨西哥國慶及聖誕節新年等節日慶祝活動

在推行地產實業投資方面 我們也正在籌劃前往墨西哥考察 並安排在墨西哥市拜會有關政府官員希望促進美墨各方面之交流

今天出席的除了亞華裔人士之外還有墨裔 非裔等各族裔工商代表

ITC Will Open The Door To The World

Today we hosted the first International Trade Center board meeting at ITC. More than twenty members from the business, culture, academic and real estate industries attended the meeting. After a few hours of discussion, we decided to fully make new plans and activities for the coming year.

When we celebrated the ITC 20-year Anniversary Gala, former the Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Mayor Turner, Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and 500 guests were in attendance.

Our Board also made a resolution to sponsor monthly luncheons, and the first event will be on January 21. 

Next week to celebrate the Lunar New Year in front of our building, many cultural performances and food booths will be there on our front lawn. We also plan to celebrate July 4th, Mexico National Day, Christmas and New Year's in the International District to show the diversity of our ethnic culture heritage.

In our plans we also are going to publish a monthly newsletter and make plans for trade missions around the world, including Mexico, Vietnam and Africa.

We all are so very excited that ITC will be fully recovered and we will open the door to the world.