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社評 0114 教育危機 國之不幸

社評 0114 教育危機 國之不幸

教育危機 國之不幸

經菅不善的休斯敦學區最近可能再一次被州政府接管 也是教育界之極大不幸

由于學區學生們之程度低落 未能未能達標 這是令人非常痛心之事

今晚在國際貿易中心參加接待了艾利夫學區首次黑人總覧梅斯博士 他在演說中特別強調教育几乎是改變人生之不二法則 今天能在社會上出人頭地的非裔領䄂 大部份出身在貧窮家庭 都是吃苦耐勞 多翻周折而上了大學及名校 如今才能登上社會高層 成為社會之精英

今天美國在各大城市之學區普遍遭遇諸多困難 主要原因是貧困家庭比例高房價低造成學區經費不足因而教師學生素質下降 許多學校几乎破產

許多家庭都在搬往郊區 造成學區之巨大差異 好學區多半是在郊區 我們希望休斯敦學區問題早日得到解決

( 图片来源: 路透)

The Education Crisis Is The Misfortune Of Our Country

The poor management of the Houston Independent School District may have to be taken over by the State of Texas again which is also a great misfortune for our education system.

Last night I attended the reception at ITC to greet Dr. Mays, the new superintendent of the Alief School District. He also is the first African American to become the school district's leader. In his speech he emphasized that education is almost the only way to change our lives. Today, most people from poor families can become leaders in society and elites if they study hard and work hard in their early life.

Today the school districts in America, especially in big cities, because of the high population of poor families and low incomes, result in less tax money to fund the schools. Some of them are already bankrupt and don't even have enough resources to function.

Many families are now moving to the suburbs because most of the good schools are in the suburban areas now.

This is our education crisis that is facing us. We need to urge the federal government to find ways to help. This is the most important and urgent issue for our future generation.