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社評0117 鴻兔大展 玉兔迎春

社評0117 鴻兔大展 玉兔迎春

鴻兔大展 玉兔迎春

癸卯兔年之到來, 我們走出了三年病魔之陰暗歲月, 我們大家伸出雙手共同迎接新春之到來。

我們的工作伙伴始終站在工作之最前線, 在社區之每一個角落 ,以手握之筆及肩上之攝影機報導人間之喜怒哀樂, 和社會大衆共同走過艱難之坎坷路途。

走在休斯敦百利大道上 ,我們目睹川流不息之車輛和擁擠在商場之人群, 那股煊燁雜亂之鄉音, 激起更多的鄉愁, 許多人因戰亂求生,辗转在此,落葉生根。

憑著我們堅毅不拔之奮鬥精神, 我們把廢土耕耘成了綠地 ,把這片土地變成了自己的家。

每年一度的新春游園會再度登場, 美南傳媒大樓前的雙金雄獅再度迎來各方賀客, 我們在此再度說聲感謝和感恩。

Welcome The Year Of The Rabbit

 With the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit we have walked out from the dark days of the pandemic. We all open our arms to welcome the arrival of spring.

 Our team always stands at the forefront of the working line and faithfully reports the joys and sorrows of the world in every corner of the community with the writing pen in hand and the camera on our shoulders.

Walking down Bellaire Blvd. in the International District we have witnessed the endless flow of vehicles. We have cultivated the raw land into green space and have turned the land into our own home.

 The annual Lunar New Year Festival will soon be unveiled again. The double golden lions in front of our building will once again welcome guests from all over our community. We are here to express our gratitude again.