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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0120 歳末迎新是感恩時刻

社評 0120 歳末迎新是感恩時刻


兔年來臨之際 又回憶起早年生活之點滴和父母家人賜予之關懐及愛心 雖然面對生命中無數次之挑戰 我仍然努力面對 這股力量來自他們的關心叮嚀和 今天我們能站在美南新聞廣塲上 経過數十寒暑艰苦歲月 終於把媒體 金融及國際網路共同建立在這塊土地上 ……..

那年夏天 我年僅十九歲 加入了台北中國廣播公司之大行列 這份微薄之助理編輯工作卻改變了我的人生 小人物進了大單位 豈能不抓住機會鞭策學習做為一名稱職之小編輯 我總是早來晚走 不斷研讀新聞通訊社之英文稿 總希望以最快最好之速度把譯稿交給主編 希望得到青睞 不久之後我既然被交付每晚書寫十五分鐘之新聞摘要 這個任務使我建立了在新聞部之地位 在此同時 只要同事有求 我一定自告奮勇代班相助 也常常在春節年假獨守辦公室我從不覺委屈和抱怨 如今回想 是這段刻銘心的閱歷 使我成長茁壯

由于早晚工作之繁重 我總是最後一位回家趕路坐上年卅除夕的家庭年夜飯桌上 難忘的母親家鄉菜全家圍爐在熱騰騰的什錦火鍋旁 此情此境已成追憶 父母親之鄉音和慈愛確永烙心頭

又是兔年春暖時刻之來臨 我們已経無法品嘗家鄉之佳餚聽到父母之郷音 倚在窗前乍見落星橫掃天空 迎春花在前院綻放 這份感恩這份感激將是永恆長久


                                               It Is A Moment Of Gratitude

On the occasion of the Year of Rabbit, I remembered my early life and the relations and love of my parents and family.

After overcoming countless challenges in my life today, I walked through our grounds which are now being established as a global media, trade and financial center to make our dreams come true.

Remembering my early college time, I was only 19 years old when I was so lucky to join a radio station in Taipei. The little guy went to the big media giant. How could I not seize the opportunity to learn the news business?! I came to the office early and left late to do whatever I could do to be a good editor. It is this hard-working ethic that has helped me to grow up and thrive.

Due to my heavy schedule, I was always the last one who came home on Lunar New Year's eve to taste mom’s home cooking. The hometown voice and the love of my parents are always branded in my heart.

It is now the warm spring year of the rabbit. I can no longer again taste mom’s cooking. When I look out the window with the spring flowers blooming in the front yard, I remember my dear parents. This feeling of gratitude will last forever.