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社評0126 矽谷裁員 榮景不再?

社評0126  矽谷裁員 榮景不再?

矽谷裁員 榮景不再?

馬斯克收購推特之後 把八千五百員工砍了一半 開年以來微軟員一萬人 亞馬遜及谷歌也先後各裁員上萬名 自去年以來已經有近二十萬科技行業失去飯碗 這代表矽谷寒冬之來臨

數十年來 隨著資訊時代之到來 美國矽谷成為千萬年青人响往之聖地 科技企業宣揚員工之工作和心靈之健康同樣重要 矽谷企業之迅速成長塑造了一種新的職業文化

不容质疑, 二十年來矽谷製造出了數以萬計之百萬富豪 致使灣區地價飛漲 尤其在矽谷地區 基本房價在百萬美元以上 如果不是富人豈能居住在矽谷地區

隨著世界情勢之變化 中美兩大経濟體之競爭 必然會影響世界未來之走向 兩大経濟體之脫勾 也會促使全球化之瓦解

矽谷之大量裁員 代表了矽谷企業文化之轉變 老闆們如果撐握好公司之利潤 取悅於投資人才是上上之策

                                         Surge Of Layoffs In Silicon Valley

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter he laid off 8,500 employees in a half year. Microsoft has laid off 10,000 people since the beginning of this year. Amazon and Google also let tens of thousands of employees go. Nearly 200,000 tech employees have lost their jobs since last year which symbolized the arrival of a cold winter in Silicon Valley.

Over the decades, with the advent of the Information Age, Silicon Valley in the United States has become a 'holy place' for millions of young people. The rapid growth of many Silicon Valley enterprises has created a new professional culture and created an abundance of millionaires causing real estate prices to soar. Basic housing now costs at least one million dollars. If it weren’t for the rich, how could they live in the area?

With the rapid changing of the world situation, the competition of the two major economic powers, the United States and China will inevitably affect the future of the world economy. Globalization is going to end.

Today the heads of tech companies need to serve their stockholders to cut costs. It is a very natural matter.