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社評 0130 二十七屆春節園游會

社評 0130  二十七屆春節園游會


週六上午七時我們到達美南新聞廣場時 天空已經飄著細雨 接到許多人之電話查詢是否要繼續舉辦 我告訴他們一定要如期進行 廣埸上之大舞台及攤位是週五晚上就搭好的 此時天已大亮 但是還是下著小雨 工作人員穿上雨衣繼續各項準備工作 一大批年輕朋友志願者正在忙著吹汽球 張貼廣告牌 試音響做最後之準備工作

由於上週預測百分之八十有雨 我們改期到本週 可是還是有陣微雨 但是我們仍然要如期舉行 也別無選擇了

九時半許多社區人士到達現場 大㕔中同仁們貴賓們戴上金黃色圈巾 雖然細雨偶而中斷但還是阻擋不了他們的到來 還未到十點 市長特納 德州參議員威德邁 學區總監梅爾博士 及國際區同仁都先後到達 我為他們介紹了剛得到聯邦儲備銀行批准的環球第一銀行及即將破土興建之美南金融中心大樓 同時向市長簡報國際區未來之建設藍圖 包括天橋 國際文化博物館及室外演出廰等

我們和市長準時在十時半登上大舞台 上天似乎是庇護我們 雨已經停了 在鑼鼓聲中舞獅揭開序幕 一連串的國際社區表演節目在風雨中進行 台下仍然有許多熱情的觀眾不斷叫好

這是我們二十七年來首次在間歇之雨中進行慶祝新年之活動 我們感激數十個贊助廠商及演出人員 真是風雨見真情 令人難忘

We All Danced In The Rain At The 27th Texas International Lunar Festival


When I arrived at our Southern News Group grounds at 7:00 am Saturday morning, the sky was already drizzling. I received many phone calls and was asked if the festival would cancel. I told them no. Rain or not, we would continue. The night before many people came to set up our stage and booths and posted billboards and all the final preparations were ready.


Due to the forecast last week of 80% chance of rain, we changed to this weekend, but we never thought about still more rain for this week.


At 9:30 am many were coming. Leaders and guests arrived at the VIP reception  and we put golden ring scarves on them. Although the drizzle occasionally interrupted, it still couldn’t stop their arrival. About 10:00 am Mayor Turner, State Senator Whitmire and Alief School Superintendent Dr. Mays arrived, one after the other. In the VIP party I introduced the guests to our newly approved Global One Bank and told them about the planned building of the Financial Center in front of our media center. I also briefed Mayor Turner about the new plans for the International District, including the new bridge, the international culture museum and outdoor theater.


When we all moved to the outdoor stage at 10:30 am, God seemed to approve. The rain had stopped The Lion dance and the sound of gongs and drums kicked off. A series of international performances were held in the wind and rain. There were still many in the enthusiastic audience sitting under umbrellas who were watching the performances. This was the first time in 27 years that we have celebrated the new year in intermittent rain. We are so grateful to all those sponsors and performers. It was really an unforgettable time in my life.