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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0215 我們情同手足 攜手共行

社評 0215 我們情同手足 攜手共行


我們情同手足 攜手共行

休斯敦華商精英最近之一次聚會中, 使我們感到無比之溫暖和激動, 尤其是在如此艱難之㺽境中, 部份少數政客正對我們華裔發動了令人髪指之攻擊, 並且更想経過立法, 把我們打成二等公民。

今晚站在台上的兄弟姐妹們,都是商界打滾數十年之老將, 譬如富商黃家麟又一大地產開發案, 佔地七十畝, 將改變西南區之面貌 。杜兄在市區附近開發之頂級商住六星級旅館, 即將在下半年全面開放。 光是這兩個開發案就超過十億美金。 他們在此之投資代表了華裔之極大貢獻, 又豈是那些政客小醜能體會的。

九十年代初, 我率領之代表團參加首次在新加坡舉行的世界華商大會, 並曾在總統府酒會上當場表演舞蹈歌唱, 如今多年過去了, 我們大家仍然健在並皆成為社會之中堅 ,我們感激這塊土地滋潤我們的成長, 多半成為社會中堅份子如今我們再次攜手站上舞台, 情同手足, 再次出發為社區盡份心力。

 We Are In The Same Family

At a recent gathering of a Chinese business elites group in Houston, Texas, we felt extremely warm and excited, especially in such a difficult time. Some politicians are now launching an anti-Chinese movement to make us look like second class citizens.

The brothers and sisters stood on the stage tonight, all of them are veterans of the business world for many decades. For example, our real estate giant, Larry Wong, is currently developing more than 70 acres for a mixed use project which will change the face of Southwest Houston. The Allen Project, run by our brother David Du, is almost finished. This high-end residential and commercial hotel project will be complete at the end of this year. All of these projects represent over one billion dollars of investment that create jobs and taxes for our city. Do these politicians know that their bill will impact all of the real estate investments across the state of Texas?

In the early 90’s, I led members of the Houston Chinese Chamber of Commerce on a visit to Singapore where we enjoyed dancing at the presidential palace. Many years have passed now and we are so grateful that this land has nourished our growth. Most of us have become the backbone of our community. Tonight all of us stand on the same stage again. We hope to set the goals to do our part which is our duty to the community.