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社評0318 世界真的很亂

社評0318 世界真的很亂


老實說,俄羅斯對烏克蘭之侵略行為,實在是違反世界和平之不法行為。 一年多過去了, 俄羅斯深䧟進退維谷之窘境 。

看看我們目前的世界, 尤其是烏克蘭近千萬人流離失所, 總統每天在世界各地乞求大家多給軍火來抵抗俄羅斯之入侵。歐洲各國也因而進入径濟之黑暗期,物價能源通貨膨脹, 還要縮緊口袋援助烏克蘭 ,真是內外交困, 生活更加困苦。

幾天來, 美國矽谷銀行及歐洲金融系統面臨重大打擊, 由于美聯儲會不斷升息, 又要抑制通膨, 左右為難, 這些都是戰爭惹的大禍。

普京總統應該醒醒了, 不要在想回到蘇聯往日之榮景 ,應該做識實務者之俊杰, 放下自己之狂妄想法, 還是回到自己的領土, 還世界一個和平之環境吧。

宏都拉斯最近叫嚷和台灣斷交 ,理由是三億美金之水力發電機沒有人買單, 世界上真有這么多令人稱嘖的事, 可以在左右逢源之中乞討伸手。

我們非常遺憾這𠆤世界真的變了, 可能是走向一分為二之地區 ,是禍是福, 只有时間來分解了。

Today's World Is Really Chaotic

To be honest, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is really a violation of world peace. More than a year has passed now and Russia has found itself in a serious dilemma as the continuing conflict has begun to affect the Russian economy along with the growing lack of support for the war from the Russian people.

Look at the current chaos in the world, especially the tragic and traumatic displacement of nearly 10 million Ukrainian refugees. Every day the  president of Ukraine begs all countries around the world for more arms to resist Russia’s invasion. European countries have also entered a dark period marked by rising prices and energy inflation. They have to tighten their belts even more now to help Ukraine and life is much more difficult. 

Over the past few days, we are suddenly facing serious trouble in our own financial system. The Federal Reserve is facing a dilemma on how to control inflation while also raising the interest rate. President Putin should wake up. He should not think about going back to the "glory days" of the Soviet Union's past. He needs to give back the land to Ukraine and start negotiations for peace. 

Honduras recently called for the severe action of cutting off diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The official reason is that Honduras now wants Taiwan to pay more money to build a power plant in their country. The really amazing thing is that Honduras is publicly begging for money, as if openly holding the power plant project for a "ransom" in exchange for diplomatic ties and recognition. 

Only time will tell, but right now we are moving toward two separate and divided parts of the world.