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社評0322 馬英九回中國大陸祭祖

社評0322   馬英九回中國大陸祭祖


前總統馬英九定於本月二十七日啟程前往中國大陸祭祖, 並帶領三十多位學生做學術交流。 這也是七十四年來首次卸任元首前往大陸訪問, 根據雅虎今早在台灣對二萬五千名讀者之調研,有百分之七十七以上受訪者樂觀其成 。

我們也要在此指出, 馬英九之訪問大陸,應該是對緩和海峽兩岸之緊張關係得到某種程度之緩和, 更重要的是,我們堅決主張海峽兩岸決不可使用武力來摧毀雙方共同建立的文明世界。

馬政府在執政八年期間, 失去了許多建立兩岸永久和平之契機, 以致在民進黨取得政權之後, 兩岸關係降至冰點, 戰爭可能就在眼前。

我們寄望馬英九大陸之行, 至少能達成以下二個重要目的, 首先是促進兩岸年輕一代之交往, 消除彼此心結而能共存共榮地相處, 另外就是追尋我們中華民族祭祖歸宗之積極意義。

政治是一時的, 執政者也不過是暫時當权, 而在歷史之長河中, 我們決不可因判斷之錯誤造成人類之浩刼。

馬前總統在他當政時, 因主客觀因素失去了許多促進海峽兩岸永久和平之機會。 他此行可能想亡羊补牢, 尋求歷史上的定位。 我們也是樂觀其成 ,祝福他成為真正的和平使者。

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou Will Visit China 

Former Taiwanese President Ma is scheduled to leave for Mainland China to worship ancestors on the 27th of this month and lead more than thirty students in an academic exchange. This is also the first time in 74 years that the outgoing head of state has visited the mainland.

According to a Yahoo survey, more than 77% of 25,000 respondents are in favor of the former leader's trip to China. 

We also want to point out that his visit should help ease the tensions between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to some extent. More importantly, we firmly advocate that both sides of the Strait must not use force to destroy the civilized world that has been jointly established by both sides. 

During his eight years in power, President Ma lost many opportunities to establish a permanent peace on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so much so that after the DPP gained power, cross-Strait relations fell to their lowest point and war was imminent. 

We hope that Ma’s visit can achieve and promote exchanges between the younger generation and pursue our shared positive significance of Chinese culture. 

In the long river history of politics, all is just a matter of temporary games. We want to warn all politicians to not destroy our civilization because of your misjudgments.