社評 0411 休斯敦人口激增

根據大休斯敦商會發表之最新統計,過去六年來休斯敦在所有大都會之人口增長中名列全國第二名。 自2021 年七月至2022 年七月止,包括大休斯敦市在內的九個郡區人口增加了十二萬五千人, 截至目前共有人口七百三十四萬人 。
大商會統計數字顯示, 三分之二的增長人口來自之新居民有大部份是出生國外之移民,這些國際新移民是新增人口之主要部份 。
我們要非常慎重地指出, 美國是個移民國家 ,今天我們之所以能夠維持經濟之成長,大部分應該歸功於不斷來自世界之新移民及千千萬萬的留美學生。 他們是一股经濟上之力量, 在許多學有所成者都留下來為美國作出畢生之貢獻。
今天全國瀰漫著一股反華亞裔及移民之暗潮,一切右翼及生意人在操弄政治輿論、一味反華及其他族裔, 造成人心惶惶, 許多人都放棄了移民美國之熱情和動力 。
如今全國正面臨未可解決意料之未來, 我們要奉勸拜登總統必須認清真相, 繼續歡迎来自世界各地之移民, 也是休斯敦繼續繁榮之基礎。
Greater Houston Area Population Surges
According to the latest statistics released by the Greater Houston Partnership, the Houston area ranks second in the country in population growth among all U.S. metropolitan areas over the past six years.
From July 2021 to July 2022, the average population in nine cities including Houston has increased by 125,000 up to the current total population of 7.34 million.
The study showed that two-thirds of the population growth comes from new residents, most of whom are immigrants born abroad. These newcomers make up the main core of our new residents.
We should point out that the United States is a country of immigrants.
Most of the factors we can relate to and understand. Economic growth today is due to the continuous influx of new immigrants from all over the world. At the same time, foreign students keep coming to America to study and most of them stay here after they finish their degree.
Today we have a dark tide of anti-Chinese Asian and immigrant racism in our country. Many right- wing politicians are manipulating political and public opinion causing many people to panic.
Now the country is facing many challenges on how to encourage and keep newcomers coming to our land. We really want to suggest to President Biden to carefully review our immigration policy because it is directly related to our future prosperity.