社評0501 我們大家要站起來

休斯敦各族裔社區代表經過多時之集會商議, 已經共同決定成立一個多族裔之聯盟陣線, 我們將在此聯盟之下, 共同追求和保障自己之權益 。
這項創舉也將寫下華亞裔在美國政治史上之歷史, 近百年來, 我們因熱愛這塊土地, 成千上萬的世界各地移民湧進了美國。 我們奉獻了自已的青春年華, 來共同建設這𠆤偉大的移民國家,不幸的是, 這個號稱世界第一強國,正在被一批狂妄的政客不斷侵蝕和摧毀之中。
我們無可否認 ,非裔領袖金恩博士為了爭取民權而犧牲 ,他為我們少數族裔之生存及權利打下了基石,但是時至今日, 美國社會中存在的不公不義仍然阻擋了社會之亂象。
就在五月十三日 ,我們將結集各族裔代表再次舉辦千人大會, 抗議德州議會提出之歧視法案, 我們將反對到底, 因為這項法案將是反華亞裔之開端。
今天大家要瞭解的是, 這些反華亞裔法案一旦通過, 其影響層面將蔓延到經濟及政治層面, 其後果將不堪設想。
We All Need To Stand Up
After many meetings and discussions, representatives of the various ethnic communities in Houston have jointly decided to form a multi-ethnic coalition. Under this alliance, we will jointly pursue and protect all our mutual rights and interests.
This pioneering work will also be written down in the history of the Chinese and Asians in the political history of the United States. For nearly a hundred years, because of our love for this land, thousands of immigrants from all over the world have poured into the United States. We have dedicated our youth to jointly build our futures together in this country of immigrants. Unfortunately, this great immigrant country is being eroded and destroyed by a group of arrogant politicians.
We cannot deny that the African-American leader Dr. Martin Luther King sacrificed his life for civil rights. He laid the foundation for the survival and civil rights for all of our minorities, but the inequality and injustice in American society today still promotes social chaos.
On May 13th, we will gather representatives of all ethnic groups to hold another thousand-person meeting to protest against the discriminatory bill #147 proposed by the Texas Legislature. We will oppose it to the end because this bill will be the beginning of an anti-Chinese and anti-Asian society.
What everyone needs to understand today is that once this anti-Chinese Asian bill is passed, the impact will spread to the economic and political levels, and the consequences will be unimaginable,