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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

5/17/203星期三日記 領獎過後 把獎盃獻給母親

5/17/203星期三日記  領獎過後 把獎盃獻給母親

今年母親節前夕,正值美國五月亞美節。休斯敦地區亞美太平洋協會舉辦盛大慶祝餐會,並在年會上頒贈給我年度[傑出企業獎 ],表彰美南新聞對社會之貢獻。受獎之餘 ,我也感觸萬千,正逢今年之母親節,我一定要把這座奬獻給已在天堂的母親 。她的恩賜勇敢改變了我們李家之命運 ,如今能在這塊土地上安身立命,六位姐妹兄弟繼續為社會服務 ,相信也是母親節對母親最好的慰藉。

在我的孩提時代 ,曾經生活在無電無自來水之極度貧乏之地帶 ,母親當年帶着三個孩童及嬰𠒇在中國和緬甸的野人山溝裡演出了尋夫記 ,當我們和父親重逢時 ,到處是戰火纷飞,在我的幼小心𤫊中,一直萌生對環境之不滿 ,為什麼我們會如此困窮?

從懂事以來 ,父母對我溺愛有加 ,所幸在他們的堅持下,我以十二歲之童年就離家到城𥚃讀書, 離開了那塊荒涼無電缺水的難民村。

我從那天開始立志自立自強 ,深知父母為我的學費縮衣節食 ,我一定要加倍努力,有一天能衣錦還鄉。

數十寒暑轉瞬已逝 ,父親也因壯志未伸,英年早逝 。所幸母親晚年來到美國 ,享受天倫之樂 。只要母親有任何表示 ,我們姐妹兄弟從不說不,母親最後是在華盛頓大妹家走完了她的人生 ,我們把兩佬安葬在華府近郊之墓園安息。

每思至此或午夜夢廻 ,對父母未能盡到更多之孝道 ,也會黯然淚下。

今晚我要把這座水晶獎座在母親節時獻給母親 ,因為她改變了我們的命運……..

My Thoughts After Receiving The Outstanding Corporate Achievement Award

Before the eve of Mother’s Day, the Asian Pacific Heritage Association APAHA held a grand banquet and presented me with the 'Outstanding Corporate Achievement Award' to recognize the contributions of Southern News Group to society. 

In this Mother’s Day time, I would 

like to give this trophy to my mom in  Heaven because her bravery changed the fate our Lee family's life. Until today, our six sisters and brothers   who came to America are still serving the community in the mass communications media business. 

When I was just a child, I used to       live in an extremely poor area with    no electricity or running water. My      mom took us three kids and left our hometown and searched for her husband and our papa in Myanmar. Even after we got back together with my dad, the war still going on. 

Since I was a kid, my parents spoiled me. Fortunately, they insisted on letting me continue my schooling. I left home when I was twelve years old and went to a different city to continue my middle school studies.

Since that day I have been determined to be independent and have redoubled my efforts to do my very best for all our family. 

Many decades later we finally came   to America. My father passed away   in the early sixties and my mom came to join us in her later years to enjoy the joys of family. As long as my mother asked our sisters or brothers for anything, we never said, "NO."

My mom spent her final days in Washington, DC, with our younger sister Jing and older sister Lily.

Now both of our parents are resting together at a location near the Potomac River.

Every time I think about them,  especially close to midnight time, I will cry thinking that I cannot do more filial piety for them.

I am going to dedicate this award to my mom on Mother’s Day because she changed my life.