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社評0614 前總統川普出庭應訊

社評0614  前總統川普出庭應訊


在嚴密之保安下,美國前總統川普週二在邁阿米聯邦法院出庭。 他面臨三十七項罪名,指控非法保留三百件白宮機制密文件, 最高監禁刑期可能是一百年, 成為美國歷史上首位被以聯邦罪名起訴之前總統。

川普昨天在庭上一語不發, 全由律師代表, 只有在法官詢問他是否認罪時, 他才開口一概否認,但他在庭後被無條件獲釋 ,並未對他做出任何旅行之限制 。

川普離開法庭後前往一家古巴餐廳, 支持者高唱生日快樂歌為他慶祝七十七歲生日 ,但他在過程中還是大罵拜登總統我們的政府失控了。

這項指控在川普律師之運作下可能要到2024 年大選之後才可能開審, 這是多么荒唐的事情, 而且川普可能會再度當選為下任總統。

我們今天面臨的是民主共和兩黨之惡鬥, 在許多方面可說是水火不容, 明年之大選將會達到最高峯。

今天在民主選舉過程中, 選票和鈔票已經是主要成功之因素。 許多候選人以尖銳之民粹言論吸引選民之注意, 加上許多利益團體之金錢援助, 已經把真正的民主政治失焦, 實在是令人擔憂和失望。

                                Trump Pleads Not Guilty In Federal Court

Former President Trump was indicted last week on 37 federal felony counts including willful retention of national defense information, making false statements and representation and conspiracy to obstruct justice.                                              

In court, Trump sat silently with his hands crossed and had a "Not Guilty" plea entered by his attorney. He was released after the court did not impose any travel restrictions on him.                                                               

After leaving the court, Trump went to a Cuban restaurant to join his supporters to celebrate his 77th birthday.  Under the plan of his lawyer, the trial may not start until after the 2024 presidential election.

What we are facing today is a fierce conflict between the Republican and Democrat parties.

We have to admit that today's politics are won with money and votes. Many people become politicians because they receive financial assistance from many interest groups that do not really represent the interests of all the people.