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社評0615 幾內亞新任駐美特命全權大使來訪

社評0615  幾內亞新任駐美特命全權大使來訪


首位女性幾內亞駐美大使葛巴週三抵達德州訪問, 這是她就任後三個月首次訪問休斯敦, 並參觀了美南新聞總部、 國際貿易中心及新成立四個月的環球第一銀行, 並和有關社區及經濟領袖深入交換意見 ,如何加強美幾兩國之交流活動。

幾內亞位於西非西岸, 人口有一千二百多萬, 境內景色優美有非洲小瑞士之稱, 非洲最重要的河流甘比亞河、 尼日河皆發源於此, 也是非洲少數天然資源極富有之土地, 農產品有稻米、香蕉、 咖啡、 礦產,是鋁土世界藏量最多的國家。

葛巴大使在會上宣稱, 新政府將全部𠄘諾前政府簽署之所有投資相關條約, 並將擴大各國對幾內亞之投資。

近三年來 ,本人被幾內亞政府任命為幾內亞駐休斯敦名譽總領事, 由於二年來之疫情關係, 早已安排之访問幾內亞行程一再拖延, 葛巴大使此行已允諾將積極安排我們組成代表團前往訪問 ,其中包括投資觀光事業、 礦產、 基建 、教育媒體等項目。

十月二日是幾內亞獨立紀念日, 駐休斯敦總領馆將舉行慶祝酒會加強美幾兩國之交流。

葛巴大使先後參觀了休斯敦市及國際區, 她對德州之經濟繁榮留下非常深刻的印象。

Guinea’s New Ambassador Visited Houston

Fatoumata Kaba, the first female ambassador to the United States from the country of Guinea visited Houston, Texas, on Wednesday. This was her first visit to Texas after taking office. She visited the Southern News Group world headquarters, the International Trade Center and the newly opened Global One Bank. The Ambassador also had an in-depth exchange of views with local community and economic leaders on how to strengthen trade and cultural exchanges between the United States and Guinea. 

Guinea is located on the west coast of West Africa with a population more than 12 million. It is also known as Africa ‘s 'Little Switzerland.' Africa's most important River, the Gambia River, originates from here. It is also one of the few lands that is rich in natural resources in Africa. Agriculture products including rice, bananas, coffee and minerals are the country's leading exports.  

Ambassador Kaba announced at the meeting that the new government will honor all the treaties signed with foreign countries and will welcome new investors to come to Guinea. 

Over the past three years I have been appointed as the Honorary Consul  of Guinea in Houston. Due to the epidemic, our visit to Guinea has been repeatedly delayed. The ambassador promised to actively arrange for our trade delegation to visit and study the investment opportunities in tourism, education, minerals as well as other projects.

October 2nd is Independence Day of Guinea. The consulate in Houston will hold a celebration to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. 

Ambassador Kaba visited Houston's downtown and International District. she was very impressed with the economic prosperity of Texas.