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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0708 警長面對華裔市民

社評0708  警長面對華裔市民


由于福建同鄉會鄭氏鄉親最近無辜被搶刼身中六槍,目前正在加護病房救治之中,此一不幸事件引起各界高度重視 。警長費尼週四晚上來到中華文化服務中心 ,面對華裔市民作了一次罕見的真誠交流。

費尼市長坦稱,市府警察有嚴重短缺之現象,他希望大家能互相守望相助, 而治安是全市之問題,不止是中國城地區 。

如何應用911 緊急電話是個熱門課題 ,警長表示, 除非是緊急狀態, 否則大家要打311 來处理非緊急狀態 ,以緩減警力之短缺。 他𠄘認專為裁減華埠警局之人手是因為警力不夠, 大家都希望有二十四小時之駐警,但是無法做到。

 無可諱言, 這些匪徒對華埠下手, 他們知道華人常帶現金 ,是他們下手之對象。

我們非常感謝警長能親臨現場聆聽大家之抱怨,這種親民作風,令人感佩 。最重要的還是我們華人社區之覺醒, 唯有大家團結起來 ,才是解決治安問題之重要因素。

我們正在研討如何組成民間企業義務自衛隊 ,利用APP 報警系統, 聯合商塲、 銀行, 但治安人員相互支援來共同面對治安之挑戰。

Police Chief Meets With The Chinese Community

Due to the recent robbery and shooting that injured Mr. Zheng, a member of the Houston Fujian Association, this tragedy has attracted great attention of many people from all walks of life.

Houston police Chief Finners came to  our community and had a rare, open and sincere exchange with many Chinese American citizens. 

The Police Chief admitted that there is a shortage of police officers and that the safety issue is city-wide problem, not just in Chinatown. 

How to use 911 was also a very big topic. The Chief said that unless a situation is a real emergency, everyone should call 311 to reduce the pressure on the police department. All the participants in the meeting wanted to know if the police department could have a Chinese-speaking line that could be available through a Chinatown station on a 24-hour a day basis.

We also discussed how to create an APP to let our people have a way to report active crimes. Also the possibility of organizing a citizen volunteer patrol in the area was discussed as an effective way to improve safety in our area.

We are very sad that this tragedy has happened in our community. This is the time we should all be really united to work with law enforcement to face our challenges together.