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社評 0711 德州將減稅一百八十億

社評 0711  德州將減稅一百八十億


德州副州長帕翠及議長芬蘭今天共同宣佈,他們已達成協議將為德州減稅一百八十億元, 其中包括削減學區稅, 商業稅及房屋減税額度從四萬元提高到十萬元 。

此法案之通過, 價值三十三萬的房屋將可減免一千二百元, 並且建議對商業地產每年之稅率不能超過百分之二十。

這𠆤天大的消息, 我們首先讃揚州長艾伯特之施政成功, 在經濟如此困難情況下還有稅收之盈餘。

德州也可成為其他州之表率 ,我們始終覺得許多政府之行政效率太差, 社會福利政策太過氾濫 ,因而形成入不敷出之現象。

我們社會真是稅收如麻, 許多人買得起房屋, 但是負擔不了房屋稅。 許多小商業者更是有許多不同之稅要支付, 因而成為經營上之困難。

德州一百八十億之減稅計劃, 正說明了事在人為, 更是其他州之表率。 如果每一州都能為人民減稅,相對的全國財政可以得到改善。

Texas Will Cut Taxes By $18 Billion

After months of negotiation, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dade Phelan announced that they’ve reached an agreement to cut $18 billion off taxes in Texas.

The proposed legislation includes cutting school tax rates, raising the homestead exemption and lowering taxes on businesses. 

Assuming a $331,000 property valuation, the average homeowner will save $1,226 in the first year. The package will also include a three-year pilot plan seeking a 20% cap on year-to-year appraisals. 

This is great news. First of all, we praise Governor Abbott's outstanding performance at such a difficult time and we still will have a tax surplus. 

Texas can be an example for other states. We always feel that some of the states' administrative efficiency is so poor with too many social welfare programs that their budgets are always in the red.

Today most small businesses are in trouble, especially after the pandemic. The government needs to help them in many ways. We are so grateful that the state government of Texas is doing that now.