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社評0719 老外交家的苦心

社評0719   老外交家的苦心


年過百歲的老外交家基辛格不辭辛勞飛越太平洋來到北京做客, 他希望在他有生之年為修補中美兩國最糟的雙方關係盡力, 更希望這兩國大國避免一場戰爭, 確保世界和平。

早在一九七一年, 基辛格以肚痛為理由, 從巴基斯坦密訪北京 ,打開尼克森總统訪問中國大陸之大門, 繼而中美建交, 加入聯合國及世貿組織 。中國在過去四十五年間, 人均收入三百美元跳到如今一萬五千元, 足足躍增五十倍。 

我們從歷史的脈絡看來, 基辛格打開中國大門是一個歷史的轉捩點。 今天在華府許多政客對他早年之大膽行為持有負面之看法, 原因是因為中國之改革開放和西方之交流, 造就了今天第二大經濟體,並且在全球對美國老大地位造成嚴重之挑戰, 否則中國可能還処於一窮二白之弱國。

我們要奉勸全世界各國之政治領袖 ,你們要多聆聽基辛格之勸告, 千萬不可兵戎相見, 把人類文明摧毀於一旦, 你們都成為歷史之罪人。

图片来源: 路透社

The Painstaking Effort Of The Old Diplomat

Henry Kissinger, the over 100-year-old retired U.S.diplomat, took the long journey across the Pacific Ocean to visit Beijing as a guest. 

He hoped to repair the worst bilateral relations between the U.S. and China in many decades. He tried his best with the hope that the two powers would avoid a war and ensure world peace . 

As early as 1971, Kissinger used an excuse of abdominal pain and secretly went to visit China from Pakistan and opened the door for then President Nixon to visit China. Later, the two countries established diplomatic relationships and China became a member of the United Nations and the WTO. 

Over the past 45 years China has jumped from an annual personal income of $300 to $15,000. From an historical standpoint,Kissinger’s China visit is a turning point of modern history. Today many politicians in Washington have negative views on his bold behavior because they believe the Chinese rise in power is a big challenge to America. 

We would like to advise all the leaders of the world to listen to Dr. Kissinger's advice. We need to solve all the differences and conflicts in a peaceful way. Otherwise, war will destroy all of human civilization.