社評0722 德州州長說 總統先生我們法庭見

德州州長說 總統先生我們法庭見
隨着非法移民越過美國德州和墨西哥邊境,德州州長本週開始動用四十億美元之預算, 在兩國交界之河流中間放置大型浮標阻止非法移民進入美國。 司法部今天在一項文件中指出 ,聯邦政府將對德州提出控告, 並稱這是項違法行為。 司法部在給艾伯特州長之信函中指稱在美墨邊境羅奧格林地河設置浮標是違反河川及港口條例, 將影響公共安全及聯邦官員之執法行為。
德州政府目前正遣送非法移民到民主党當政的大城市, 並實施立即遣送回墨西哥之動作, 對他們毫不留情。
艾伯特州長在推特發文指出,德州州政府有権保護領土完整及保衞疆土, 對於聯邦政府之指控, 州長表示總統先生我們法庭見。
長久以來, 德州因為和墨西哥有非常冗長之邊界線及河流, 是來自南方之非法移民人數最多之地區。 德州長期受到非常沉重之壓力, 目前共和黨籍的州參議員長對他們絕不手軟, 並且削減許多預算, 這次的加設浮標計劃真正桿上了拜登政府。
德州去年年歲收支多出一百八十億列为全美之冠, 艾伯特之執政受到多數人之稱讃, 他的執政成績恐將是名列前茅, 無隙可擊 。
Governor Abbott Said, “Mr. President, We'll See You In Court.”
In order to prevent more illegal immigrants from coming into Texas, Governor Abbott will spend $4 billion dollars to place large floating buoys in the middle of the river on the border of Texas and Mexico. The U.S. Department of Justice intends to sue the State of Texas over its placement of buoys in the Rio Grande River that are aimed at deterring migrants unless the state acts to remove them.
Texas began constructing the buoys earlier this month along with other decisive actions that included the busing of thousands of migrants to democratic cities and the arrests of many migrants on trespassing charges.
Governor Abbott said that Texas has the sovereign authority to defend its border and accused the Biden administration of exacerbating the difficult conditions along the southern border.
Abbott said that, “We will continue to deploy every strategy to protect Texans and and other Americans as well as the migrants who are risking their lives. See you in court, Mr. President."
For a very long time, Texas has been the region with the largest number of migrants arriving along the southern border.
Most people have praised Governor Abbott's management of the state which now has a more than $18 billion dollar surplus. His performance of leadership ranks very high among the governors in all the other states.