社評0724 國民黨最後一戰

上週末在台灣舉行的中國國民黨代表大會決議由新北市市長候友宜出戰明年之總統大選,在大會上擁有許多粉絲的前高雄市長韓國瑜和候友宜相擁並誓言將共同努力下架民進黨, 這似乎让國民黨表現出一團和氣之現象。
在大會上, 候友宜已經重申認同九二共識並表示充分遵循黨國前輩連戰馬英九為兩岸和平奠定之基礎。
今天國民黨在台灣失去了八年之執政權, 民進黨在執政期間一面倒向美國而和大陸對峙, 幾乎切斷一切交流。 許多政治動作形成中國大陸在台灣週邊不斷舉行軍事演練, 台海已經是兵兇戰危, 我們應該要告知民進黨美國政府和人民決不會出兵為台灣一戰的, 但是提供武器是兩黨之高度共識。
就如韓國瑜所說, 這是一場和平舆戰爭之選擇, 我們決不願見到台灣和大陸發生戰爭把雙方遭到毀滅性之重劊, 把世界帶上嚴重之創傷。
海外華人也非常關切中國大陸外交部長秦剛之情況, 希望中國大陸政府早日公佈真相, 中國已經是世界強國, 外交工作及其領導是全世界共同關心之大事。
This Is The Last Battle For KMT In Taiwan
The KMT party held a general meeting in Taiwan last weekend to officially nominate New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi as the KMT
Presidential candidate to run for President next year. Former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Guayu who has many fans also showed up to ‘embraced each other' and vowed to fight together to remove the Democratic Progressive party and to gain the power again.
At the conference, the new candidate also reaffirmed his recognition of the 92 consensus between China and Taiwan.
The KMT lost their power for eight years and the current government of Taiwan cut off almost all exchanges. Mainland China continuously sent war planes and military exercises around the Taiwan island. This situation creates the most dangerous war zone in the world.
As Han Kuoyu said, "This is a choice between war and peace." We never want to see war between China and Taiwan which would devastate bothsides and bring serious and lasting trauma to the whole world.
We are also very concerned about the situation of Chinese Minster of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang. China is already a world power. Diplomatic work and its leadership are major events of common concern for the whole world.