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【美南新聞泉深】休斯頓大學的一項民意調查顯示,休斯頓市長選舉似乎縮小爲德州參議員約翰·惠特邁爾和美國衆議員希拉·傑克遜·李(Sheila Jackson Lee)之間的兩位候選人競爭,惠特邁爾在可能的決選中以兩位數的領先優勢。

休斯頓大學公共事務學院周二公布了今年擁擠的市長競選中最早的民意調查之一。 34% 的可能選民表示支持惠特邁爾,32% 支持傑克遜·李,其他 12 名候選人的支持率都不超過 3%。

距離選舉日還有四個月的時間,而且誤差幅度爲 3.5%,惠特邁爾微弱的兩分領先優勢毫無意義。 然而,在兩位頂級候選人之間的潛在決選中,差距顯著擴大,51% 的選民傾向于州參議員,只有 33% 的選民支持女議員。

雖然傑克遜·李擁有最高的知名度——只有 6% 的選民表示不熟悉她,而惠特邁爾的這一比例爲 23%,其他選民的這一比例超過一半——政治評論員馬克·瓊斯 (Mark Jones) 表示,這種認可似乎是一把雙刃劍。他是萊斯大學科學教授,也是該民意調查的合著者。

除了傑克遜·李的堅定支持者之外,大量選民表現出對她的強烈的負面情緒。 在 800 名接受調查的休斯頓人中,44% 的人表示他們永遠不會投票給傑克遜·李,遠遠超過所有其他競爭者的 13% 至 17% 的範圍。 只有 13% 的潛在選民表示他們絕對不會支持惠特邁爾。





【美南新聞泉深】約翰·惠特邁爾(John Whitmire) 28日宣布,休斯頓“C”俱樂部(The "C" Club of Houston)已支持他競選休斯頓市長。

休斯頓“C”俱樂部主席紐特·巴裏諾 (Newt Barineau) 說道:“休斯頓‘C’俱樂部相信約翰·惠特邁爾是擔任休斯頓下一任市長的明確選擇。我們對惠特邁爾參議員的支持代表了我們對他的財政保守原則和價值觀、個人性格和正直以及對執法的奉獻和使休斯頓成爲一個充滿活力和安全的城市的信心。 作爲市長,他將修複城市的基礎設施,減少街道犯罪,簡化城市服務並解決休斯頓迫在眉睫的財務問題。”

 惠特邁爾先在德克薩斯州衆議院任職十年後,在過去 40 年裏一直代表德克薩斯州參議院第 15 區。 他知道休斯頓是一座偉大的城市,多元化的人口聚集在一起解決棘手的問題。 惠特米爾希望通過解決我們城市面臨的棘手問題來充分發揮這座城市的潛力。 這些問題包括公共安全、非法傾倒、無家可歸、洪水和排水、街道和供水系統修複以及社區交通安全。 他還希望提高警察和消防員的士氣,讓他們知道休斯頓支持他們。

John Whitmire Endorsed for Houston Mayor By “C” Club of Houston

 John Whitmire announced on July 28 that the “C” Club of Houston has endorsed him in his campaign for mayor of the City of Houston.

 “The "C" Club of Houston believes John Whitmire is the clear choice to serve as Houston's next Mayor,” said President Newt Barineau. “Our endorsement of Sen. Whitmire represents our confidence in his fiscally conservative principles and values, personal character and integrity and dedication to law enforcement and making Houston a vibrant and safe city. As Mayor, he will fix the City's infrastructure, reduce crime on our streets, streamline City services and address Houston’s looming financial problems.”

Whitmire has represented Senate District 15 in the Texas Senate for the past 40 years, after serving ten years in the Texas House. He knows Houston is a great city, where its diverse population comes together to tackle tough issues. Whitmire wants to see the city reach its full potential by taking on the tough issues facing our city. Those issues include public safety, illegal dumping, homelessness, flooding and drainage, street and water system repair and neighborhood traffic safety. He also wants to boost the morale of police and firefighters and let them know that Houston has their backs.


【美南新聞泉深】約翰·惠特邁爾(John Whitmire) 26日宣布,休斯頓公寓協會 PAC ( Houston Apartment Association PAC) 已支持他競選休斯頓市長。

該協會在一份聲明中說: “休斯頓公寓協會 PAC 很榮幸支持約翰·惠特邁爾(John Whitmire) 擔任休斯頓市長。 我們知道,作爲市長,約翰將解決我們的會員和我們所服務的休斯頓人關心的問題——創造良好的商業環境、增加經濟適用房、降低財産稅並幫助降低所有居民的生活成本。 我們期待與市政廳的約翰合作,共同努力使休斯頓成爲最適合生活、工作和養家糊口的地方。”

惠特邁爾在德克薩斯州衆議院任職十年後,在過去 40 年裏一直代表德克薩斯州參議院第 15 區。 他知道休斯頓是一座偉大的城市,多元化的人口聚集在一起解決棘手的問題。 惠特邁爾希望通過解決我們城市面臨的棘手問題來充分發揮這座城市的潛力。 這些問題包括公共安全、非法傾倒、無家可歸、洪水和排水、街道和供水系統修複以及社區交通安全。 他還希望提高警察和消防員的士氣,讓他們知道休斯頓支持他們。

John Whitmire Endorsed for Houston Mayor By Houston Apartment Association PAC

 John Whitmire announced on July 26 that the Houston Apartment Association PAC has endorsed him in his campaign for mayor of the City of Houston.

 “The Houston Apartment Association PAC is proud to endorse John Whitmire for Mayor of Houston. We know that as Mayor, John will address issues of concern to our members and the Houstonians we serve—creating a good business climate, increasing affordable housing, lowering property taxes and helping reduce the cost of living for all residents. We look forward to working with John at City Hall as we all work together to make Houston the best place to live, work and raise your family.”

 Whitmire has represented Senate District 15 in the Texas Senate for the past 40 years, after serving ten years in the Texas House. He knows Houston is a great city, where its diverse population comes together to tackle tough issues. Whitmire wants to see the city reach its full potential by taking on the tough issues facing our city. Those issues include public safety, illegal dumping, homelessness, flooding and drainage, street and water system repair and neighborhood traffic safety. He also wants to boost the morale of police and firefighters and let them know that Houston has their backs.
