社評0802 走進華府外交圈

這是我首次帶領國際貿易中心代表團進入幾內亞駐美國大使館, 曾任該國外交部長剛出任駐美國大使卡貝非常親切地接待我們來自德州之友人 。
招待會當天, 大使館內主管文化貿易及新聞之參贊皆參加會見, 他們非常詳盡地介紹幾內亞目前之政治情勢及外資投資之新條例, 尤其是礦產、 觀光及電訊是最需要外資投資之項目,在我們的代表團成員中 ,大家都紛紛尋問如何在未來能参予投資。
卡貝大使在會上保証大家之投資必定得到政府之保障, 並邀請大家近期內前往考察訪問,進一步瞭解情況。
就在當晚, 卡貝大使蒞臨華盛頓新聞位於波多馬克之宅邸參加了國際貿易中心在首都華盛頓辦事處開幕之揭幕儀式, 希望今後在這座世界政治中心扮演交流之平台。
非常榮幸擔任幾內亞在德州之名譽總領事, 也滿足了我多年前唸外交做外交官之心願 ,卡貝大使對於我們之來訪十分重視和興奮 ,當晚之宴會上, 我也把國會議員趙美心及孟昭文為她介紹, 希望加強和國會之聯繫和交流。
首都華府有近二百個大使館, 外交活動頻繁, 我對大使戱稱, 把我調到華府工作算了 。
Entering The Diplomatic Circles In Washington, D.C.
This is the first time I have led the International Trade Center delegation into the Embassy of Guinea in Washington, D.C. The new Ambassador Kaba received our members very warm and friendly.
At the meeting, the counselors in charge of culture, economics, tourism and media relationships all attended the meeting. They introduced us to the current political situation in Guinea and explained the new regulations on investment in the country, especially in the minerals, tourism and telecommunication areas which are most needed most right now in the country. All of our delegates were very interested to be part of a trade mission to visit Guinea in the near future.
During the meeting, Ambassador Kabe guaranteed that all of us will be guests of the country when we go to their country.
On that night, the ambassador also attended the opening party for ITC's new office in the D.C. area. We hope to connect the nation’s capitol more closely to Texas in the future.
It is a great honor to serve as the Honorary Consul for Guinea in Texas. It also makes a dream come true I have had since my college days. At the ILF gala we also had the pleasure of introducing Congresswomen Grace Meng and Judy Chu to Ambasador Kaba. There are almost two hundred overseas embassies in our nation's capitol. I joked to the ambassador to let me move to Washington and work at the embassy.