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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0805 老友相聚於新銀行

社評0805 老友相聚於新銀行


休斯敦大學商學院教授羅旦索和壽司大王權膝週三中午相聚在環球第一銀行,參觀了新銀行之各項設備, 並由行長帕克先生共進午餐 。

我們和這兩位認識已經數十年, 羅旦索教授是我在初創媒體事業時認識的至友。 他曾經出任赫斯特媒體集團下的《休斯敦紀事報》及《舊金山紀事報》之發行人, 曾為該報創下年收入五千萬之記錄 。在北京奧運會前我們曾經多次前往中國大陸訪問, 在他擔任發行人期間經常為我們解決一些大小疑難雜症, 包括派人緊急修復印報機 ,他從媒體事業退休後 一直擔任教職至今 ,我們之間有如兄弟之情誼延持至今。

和我們同樣相識數十年的日裔権膝先生 ,目前已經是擁有超過五百家壽司店的餐飲大王, 我們同創休斯敦國際貿易中心, 二十年來為超過萬家的中小企業服務。 老實說, 他是我的大金主, 只要我開口, 他永遠不會說不 。

歲月如梭, 我們在這塊土地上有緣共建兄弟情, 尤其共建了這家金融機構-環球第一銀行, 他們都是股東、創辦人,  加上財經專家之加入, 相信我們的銀行必能前錢途無量, 服務社區。

Our New Board Member Of The International District 

At Friday lunchtime, we got together with Dr. Mays, the new superintendent of the Alief School District, at my old friend Mr. Marcello’s restaurant and he agreed to serve as a board member of the International District and work together for the cultural, education and economic prosperity of the community. 

Not long after Dr. Mays took over the office, he visited with a lot of community leaders and asked them for their opinions on how to better serve to our community.

We also talked about the many projects in our district including the annual parade, our new year celebration and our scholarship gala. 

Looking forward to our future, education is the most important issue for our next generation. Our newly open Global One Bank will play an important role in the support of our community.

Welcome Dr. Mays. We need your leadership to help guide us toward a better tomorrow.