社評 0807 反擊控罪繼續選總統

前總統川普被起訴串謀於二O二O年推翻總統選舉結果, 在他被起訴之後, 他呼籲共和黨及支持他的人繼續在他的周圍, 並明確表示如果重新回到白宮,他將使用總統之權力終止仍在進行之訴訟來確保他的人身自由。 在此前川普已經三次被起訴, 其中包括向成人片女星支封口費及涉嫌偷渡竊機密文件。
最令人不解的是,川普目前仍然以二比一之大幅领先其他共和黨總統參選人, 不論司法對他如何起訴, 他的死忠支持者仍然給他捐款 ,而且他的支持度和拜登非常接近。
今年之總統大選, 除了經濟、 戰爭、 民主重大議題外, 也將是對二百三十多年來對美國民主政治制度之最大考驗, 幾千萬人的美國人將決定是否接受一個被起訴之國家領導人來繼續領導國家及全世界。
我們得承認 ,今天美國兩黨之分裂已經非常嚴重, 整個國家也看不到新的政治領袖 ,令人十分失望及無奈。
Fighting Against All Charges And Continues To Run For President
Former President Trump was indicted for conspiracy to overturn the presidential election results in 2020. After he was indicted he called for the Republicans party and his supporters to continue to be behind him, and he made it very clear that if he comes back into power, he will use his power to terminate the ongoing lawsuits against himself to ensure his personal freedom. Previously, Trump was charged with two cases with an adult movie star and smuggling confidential documents from the White House.
The most puzzling thing is that Trump is still leading 2 to 1 ahead of all other Republican candidates. No matter how he faces his legal problems, his die-hard supporters are still continuing to donate money to him.
In next year’s presidential election, beside the issues concerning the economy, the war and relations with China, this pre-election time is a most serious test for our democracy and political system. Tens of millions of our voters need to make a wise decision about our future.
We have to admit it, the division of our two parties is very serious now. We are not seeing many new leaders coming out for our nation.We still have the same old political establishment exercising control over Washington today.